Safety - June 2017

Videos urge hospital staff to close the door on 'tailgating'

Boston hospital campaign reminds staff of safety training


Checklist for protecting your healthcare facility

A piece of the endoscopy equipment had a defect that may have prevented it from being properly disinfected


Illinois hospital sued for red-winged blackbird attack

Suit says hospital knew it hosted aggressive birds in its landscaping but failed to block the path or post warning signs


Hospital tower to be inspected after London fire

Tower at Derry’s Altnagelvin Hospital among the buildings set to undergo an urgent fire safety check


Child dies after being left in Arkansas clinic van

Ex-employee said it was common practice to check the vans three times after children were taken off


Ways to improve access for disabled patients

When we talk about increasing access for the disabled, we are talking about improving a particular environment that can be used by everyone in an inclusive way


N.J. healthcare facility settles OSHA workplace violence issues

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has withdrawn a general duty clause citation


The value of the cosmetic surgery market and how it is constantly changing

Facility professionals play a key and active role when it comes to contributing to the success of the cosmetic surgery industry


Hospital evacuation blamed on 'system fault with alarm'

Patients were wheeled out of Wishaw General Hospital in their beds after an alarm sounded


Some California hospitals don’t pass quake test

Lack of funds usually the problem


Iowa healthcare facility prepares for helipad chopper crash

CHI Health Mercy Hospital staff tests procedures for responding to a medical helicopter crash



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