Safety - August 2017

Houston’s hospitals become victims of flood as they work to help

The response to Harvey will show whether health officials learned lessons from Katrina


Patients at Houston hospital awaited evacuation as food ran low

Water had surrounded Ben Taub Hospital in Houston, closing its main entrance


Flooded nursing home's residents in viral photo 'doing fine'

Senior citizens have been relocated to nearby facility and hospital


HHS declares public health emergency in Texas

Hurricane Harvey forces hospitals to close


Houston hospital evacuation delayed by rising water

Water recession from around the facility will likely take several days


Spanish hospital elevator malfunction kills patient

Woman crushed between floors in freak accident


Healthcare facility sued over death of elderly man who drank hospital hand sanitizer

Patient consumed 500ml of the liquid, which was 75 per cent alcohol – the equivalent of a litre of gin


N.H. hospital reopens ER closed by mystery illness

Mysterious odor contributed to sickening of 20 operating room staff members


Healthcare facilities urged to prepare for ransomware 2.0

Next wave of attacks will likely target Internet of Things


Hospitals stock up on blood, rattlesnake bite antidote for eclipse

More than 1 million visitors are expected to come to Oregon


Faulty door blamed for death at Minnesota healthcare facility

A woman in a wheelchair tumbled down a stairway behind a door with a faulty lock


Dogs stop Boko Haram attack on hospital

Two suicide bombers tried to detonate bombs at the Moloi General Hospital in Maiduguri, Nigeria


Guam healthcare officials ramp up security plans

Emergency preparedness plans are being strengthened because of North Korean threats


Nuclear exposure preparedness for healthcare workers

Recent developments require healthcare professionals to be educated


Oxford hospital closes trauma unit over cladding safety fears

John Radcliffe hospital is the first to have to transfer patients to other buildings after Grenfell Tower fire


CMS extends deadline for smoke barrier door inspections and tests

Facilities have until Jan. 1, 2018, to comply with an annual testing requirement for certain doors


Trauma unit closed over fire safety concerns

Unit closed for 12 months while flammable cladding is replaced


Illinois city threatens lawsuit over asbestos in old hospital

Aurora wants the owners of the old Copley Hospital to remove or mitigate asbestos


Fire safety key to window choices at U.K. hospital

Brighter, child-friendly environment also stressed for Sheffield Children's Hospital


Healthcare workers pathogen exposure risks highlighted

Data provides standardized system for tracking the occupational exposures for healthcare staff


Patient killed, nurses injured in Pa. hospital patient room fire

Fire in room at UPMC Susquehanna started when gown catches fire



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