Infection Control - April 2020
Technology applications for infection control
Locating and sensing services enables real-time tracking of medical equipment, staff and patients.

FDA says 4 million N95 masks could be reused
Emergency-use authorizations allow sterilizing and reprocessing N95 masks

Pizza and takeaway donations to UK hospitals could 'compromise' infection control
Officials asked people to stop donating hot and fresh food deliveries as it increased ‘certain risks.’

Flooring company creating personal protective equipment for healthcare workers
So far, two facilities have made 10,000 face shields and 5,000 gowns

Some California nursing homes are using pillowcase masks and trash-bag gowns
Cleaning supplies are also dwindling

Engineering firm produces reusable face shields for DC-area hospitals
Company offers sterile 3D printer patent for COVID applications globally

2,000-bed coronavirus hospital being built in the Colorado Convention Center
Health officials hope to have the beds ready by the end of the month for people recovering from the new coronavirus

Oklahoma hospital sets up tent for potential overflow
The tent is 19 feet wide and 20 feet long with a generator as well as heating and air units.

Michigan zoo donates meals, protective equipment
Binder Park Zoo staff donated medical supplies to Bronson Healthcare

Research examines wastewater to detect community spread of coronavirus
Samples from a wastewater treatment plant serving a large metropolitan area found that the amount of SARS-CoV-2 particles in the sewage samples indicated a far higher number of people likely infected with Covid-19

Minnesota volunteers pitching in making hospital supplies
Volunteers are manufacturing on home 3-D printers

1,000-bed field hospital in Boston accepting coronavirus patients
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center transformed to temporary medical space

Shuttered N.C. hospital reopened to deal with coronavirus overflow
The former Sandhills Regional Medical Center has rooms for 49 patients but could take up to 60 or 65

Rhode Island is converting a former Lowe’s store into a coronavirus hospital
As many as 624 beds will be set up in the 140,000-square-foot building

UV light offered to sterilize face masks for healthcare workers
Hospitals aren’t ready to jump on board yet

COVID-19 reinventing how healthcare providers use mobile medical vehicles and RVs
Healthcare facilities are using specialty vehicles that are already built and upfitted for various medical uses and repurposing them to provide frontline support

South Carolina expanding hospital capacity for coronavirus with three-tier plan
The surge plan is based on projections of 3,500 coronavirus patients being hospitalized in early May

McCormick Place hospital ready to accept patients this week
The facility includes 500 negative pressure tents

Army Corps scales back size of field hospital in suburban Detroit
A 250-bed facility will be built inside the convention hall instead of the original 1,100-bed plan

McCormick Place field hospital built in 5 days
Chicago convention center will eventually have 3,000 beds

Soldiers, engineers building field hospital for coronavirus patients in Detroit
The upper floor will accommodate patients who require oxygen, but not a ventilator

L.A. clinics lack safety supplies as coronavirus spreads
Facilities for the poor continue to face a shortage of test kits and medical equipment

Transmission bacteria linked to hospital sink drain
Two patients with NDM-1 Klebsiella pneumoniae had stayed in the same room

California children's hospital adds plexiglass protection to ER
Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego is seeing a drastic drop in the number of Emergency Room visits

Inspections expected to focus on infection control, emergency preparedness
The Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General is expected to add COVID-19 topics to its annual work plan

New study demonstrates accuracy of Legionella detection test
Regular testing for Legionella pneumophila is the only way to be certain that a water management plan is working properly to prevent patient exposure

Pandemic preparedness: How hospitals can adapt buildings to address worst-case scenarios
A Canadian healthcare architect looks at how hospital staff can act now to modify facilities and contain a pandemic

Minnesota plans 2,750 hospital beds for ‘alternate care sites’
One site considered is a shuttered private prison in western Minnesota

A 250-bed field hospital is being built inside Massachusetts’ DCU Center
Photo tour of construction posted on

CDC studies show drop in MDR bacteria, C diff in US hospitals
Infections caused by four multidrug-resistant organisms decreased in US hospitals from 2012 through 2017

Plumbing strategies to reduce HAIs
Bacteria lurking in the plumbing pipes and fixtures can contribute to HAIs

CDC director says: 'This virus is going to be with us'
Re-embracing social distancing may be necessary

Librarian using 3-D printer to make equipment for healthcare workers
Public library’s printer is being used to create respirator masks

3M says not sharing N95 masks could make the shortage worse
Millions of respirators are surfacing, but healthcare workers say they need more

Ford, GE Healthcare to produce 50,000 ventilators by July
Car maker is using design from small tech company

Nurses using baby monitors in the ICU
Healthcare workers want to limit risky interactions and preserve equipment already in short supply

Minnesota looking for temporary hospital space
Officials are looking for large, vacant spaces

Union alleges Calif. hospital risked coronavirus spread to workers
Parkview Community Hospital Medical Center in Riverside sent at least 10 employees home because they came in contact with a patient who had symptoms of coronavirus

Study says construction industry masks can be used for healthcare
Elastomeric half-mask respirators (EHMRs) provide the same level of infection protection as N95 respirators

South Carolina hospitals set up outdoor tents to curb coronavirus spread
At Conway Medical Center, emergency patients entering through the emergency department now have to be screened in an outdoor tent before entering

During a pandemic, hospital staffers urged to get better at hand-washing
Specific hand-hygiene standards for doctors, nurses and hospital staff are needed

New York's Javits Center to be one of the largest hospitals in the country
There will be nearly 3,000 beds available

Lessons from China’s temporary hospitals
The temporary hospitals are 10 times less expensive than building a new comprehensive COVID-19 care hospital

Study: C. diff not affected by ultraviolet disinfection devices
Measuring the effectiveness of UV can be difficult

CMS has redefined a hospital to include tents and dorm rooms
Hospital safety rules relaxed amid coronavirus

US military is working to convert N.Y. buildings into hospitals in three or four weeks
The US Army Corps of Engineers is retrofitting hotels and dormitories

Healthcare workers’ masks donated by Facebook were stockpiled after wildfires
Many healthcare facilities’ frontline workers don’t have the proper protective equipment

Newly approved machine can decontaminate 80,000 respirator masks a day
The decontamination system uses vapor phase hydrogen peroxide to decontaminate the masks

Healthcare facilities in Nebraska are experimenting with new equipment disinfecting technique
Ultraviolet light is being used to decontaminate medical supplies at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha

Coronavirus will affect not-for-profit hospitals for the longterm
Many hospitals are canceling profitable elective surgeries

Shuttered hospitals reopening as COVID-19 spreads
State and local governments across the nation are rushing to reopen facilities