Maintenance and Operations - June 2021
American Indian Tribes Press for Deferred Maintenance Funds
Average age of Indian Health Service facilities is more than 37 years, compared to nine years the private sector

Senior Care Community, University Struggle to Co-Exist
Residents of senior living community complained about noise and hours of operation of nearby music venue

Looking for Trouble: Tabletop Emergency Exercises
One alternative to full-scale emergency drills and exercises is tabletop exercises

Accessibility Lawsuit Targets Assisted Living Facility
Manhattan facility faces federal lawsuit over allegations it discriminates against people with disabilities who use wheelchairs

Tornado Preparedness: It’s Never Too Early
Not all tornado seasons will be like 2021, and it’s never too early to start preparing for next year

Resilient, Sustainable and Adaptable: The Future of Healthcare
Hospitals need to be prepared for surplus of patients and have knowledge to mitigate emergent infrastructure failures

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