Construction and Design - July 2015
Seattle Circuit City reborn as children's clinic
High retail vacancies are generating new opportunities for healthcare tenants

Design born from NICU challenge still adding improvements
The Institute for Patient-Centered Design's 2013 design competition set out to advance neonatal intensive care unit design, and results are still evolving, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website.

Washington hospital installs 'hyper-efficient' HVAC system
Whidbey General Hospital's variable refrigerant flow systems save energy and use less ductwork than traditional systems

Getting the best performance from a healthcare facility
Not all of today's high-performance healthcare designs end up living up to their promised performance

Fire and life safety in healthcare facilities
Four key findings on hospital and healthcare facility projects.

International projects come with lessons for U.S. healthcare interior designers
International projects often focus on the importance of family

Bouncing back after a natural disaster
After Sandy, Manhattan VA Medical Center has recovered and ultimately better prepared itself for future natural disasters

Tapping retail design ideas for healthcare
Good design attracts consumers and influences behavior

Columbus hospitals focusing on ER care for elderly
Nurses, social workers, case managers, therapists and geriatricians are working more closely in the emergency department to make sure the needs of older adults are being met

Visualization tools offering more options for healthcare designers
Rapid advancements in technology and software mean these tools come with even more options, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Florida hospital uses art to help patients heal
Volunteers are creating works of art to be displayed throughout hospitals with Lee Memorial Health System

Healthcare facilities' ground fault protection
Healthcare design starts to add on additional requirements beyond other types of construction

Designing for a diverse healthcare workforce
A multigenerational staff has a range of needs, working styles and priorities

Design challenge seeks new pediatric oncology, behavioral health options
Institute for Patient-Centered Design challenges designers and healthcare providers to collaborate on ideas for better healthcare spaces, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Hospital recycles trees on property to benefit community
Camphor laurel trees were removed from Australia's Nambour General Hospital's new staff and visitor garden

Hospices install comforting gardens
Facilities around the country are creating hospice gardens to bring patients closer to nature, according to an article on the Environments for Aging website

Senior facilities evolving with baby boomers
One of the few constant ideas for new senior facilities is the desire for a higher level of human dignity. The heart of the environment is no longer a hospital but rather a place that has the comforts of home, according to an article on the Environments for Aging website

Nurses' station design caught between therapy and safety
Best practices for nurses' station design often revolve around whether the station should be open or enclosed, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Mural is centerpiece of comfort-focused design
The lobby greets patients and visitors with an 80-foot mural depicting natural landscapes lining the curved walls.

Patient room standardization urged
Patient rooms that are designed for specific populations are at risk of being obsolete almost as soon as they're built, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website