Energy and Power - August 2014
HVAC and solar features help Pennsylvania hospital cut costs and energy use
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is saving up to $500,000 annually in energy costs

Trends in essential power systems
Trends include testing back-up power use and expanding power-monitoring requirements

Bellevue Hospital gets $117 million in Sandy aid
Federal grant to help the city repair storm-related damage to Bellevue

Hospitals lauded for cutting energy use
American Society for Healthcare Engineering has recognized the hospitals' efforts as part of its Energy to Care program

New Hampshire hospital trucking in natural gas to cut energy use
Keene facility switched from fuel oil to decrease carbon footprint

Building energy intelligence in a large hospital
Australia's major hospitals evaluates the energy savings potential for deploying a predictive energy optimization platform

Maintenance is a reliability and compliance issue
Power management strategy comes in where both issues meet

London hospital hopes to cut energy costs by 1 million pounds
St. George's Hospital has adopted an energy performance pact to try to lower its costs by 25 percent

Abilene facility makes energy upgrade
Abilene Regional Medical Center is updating its HVAC system and retrofitting more than 1,000 lighting fixtures to save $85,032

Solar energy project planned for D.C. hospital
Renewable energy project to bring solar power from North Carolina to the D.C.