Safety - June 2015
Fire detection, protection in healthcare facilities
Healthcare facilities require fire alarm and detection specifications at a higher level than in other buildings

Vancouver emergency rooms not expected to survive major quake
Aging hospital buildings found to be at high-risk of collapse or being rendered useless by a strong tremor

Illinois healthcare facility project boosts security
Franklin Hospital in Benton will upgrade emergency room

Hospital fire brings focus to trash chute safety
A fire at a New York hospital began in a trash chute, apparently caused by soldering during a necessary repair

Safety surveys can curb patient risk
Facilities must evaluate their safety practices to ensure they are doing everything they can to safeguard patients

Q&A on ILSM implementation
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question on ILSM implementation

Healthcare facility staff risks safety to avoid parking fees
Employees of of Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital are choosing to park off-site to avoid paying up to $76.60 for two weeks of secured parking

Healthcare facilities face unique security challenges
Digitized healthcare records are extremely valuable to criminals and facilities are still learning how to protect them

Keeping patients safe from superbugs
CDC says healthcare facilities must do more to mitigate the threat of CRE

Drugs thefts reveal gaps in hospital security
Safeguards include restricted rooms, heavy surveillance

Planning fire drills in healthcare facilities
Staff, visitors, volunteers and others may ignore the fire alarm and continue to go on with their day

Healthcare facilities stressing cleaning protocols for C. Diff
Almost half hadn't adopted strict limits on the use of antibiotics, but protective gear, separate hospital rooms and special cleaning techniques were in place in virtually all hospitals

Concerns raised about fire-proofing materials at UK infirmary
Materials used in Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle cited for not meeting required standard

UK hospital installs security fence after sexual assaults
A rape and sexual assault of two women are among 30 incidents which reported at Sheffield hospitals in a three-month period

N.H. healthcare facility gets nonlethal devices for protection
Devices can record interactions with unruly patients or visitors, shine a laser pointer on them and shoot a stream of pepper gel

Q&A on the required width of new corridor
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question on the required width of new corridor

Canadian healthcare facility focuses on security after fatal shooting
Security at local hospitals is a top concern after a woman was attacked at Guelph General Hospital