Safety - August 2016

Fungal spores found in N.C. healthcare facility nursery during construction

The spores are common and generally not harmful


Tennessee hospital now StormReady

Cookeville Regional Medical Center gets StormReady certification from the National Weather Service


Rail project could disrupt healthcare facilities operation

Hospitals fear an upgrade to Melbourne's metro rail system will compromise patient safety


Bat found in Illinois healthcare facility tests positive for rabies

Two bats were found earlier this month in the OB


Chicago hospital's strategies keep gang-banging patients safe

Injured gang members can pose problems for hospitals


Disinfection deficiencies found at Colorado healthcare facility

Report says Memorial Hospital employees improperly cleaned devices, surgical instruments and procedure rooms


Military approach boosts hand-hygiene compliance

Researchers borrowed an approach known as a stand-down from the military


City water crisis tests hospital’s emergency plan

Oconee Regional Medical Center was 'shut down' by water issues


Five key benefits of addressable speaker technology in healthcare institutions

Addressable technology's value is starting to take hold on the notification side of fire alarm systems



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