Infection Control - August 2016
Cell phone germs a concern at healthcare facilities
A study found traces of the flu, respiratory infections, and the norovirus on 38.5% of 114 healthcare workers' phones that were tested

Key considerations when choosing hand-hygiene products
With little guidance, finding the right product can be daunting

Controlling C. diff in post-acute care facilities
Video outlines ways healthcare providers can improve the prevention and management of C. difficile

UV and HP technologies aid infection control
Manufacturers upgrade their systems to meet specialized needs

UV lamps can help sterilize computer keyboards
Study says ultraviolet lights over computer mice and keyboards reduces bacteria 99 percent

Colorado Springs cited for not properly cleaning ultrasound probes
Workers at Memorial Hospital failed to properly disinfect vaginal ultrasound probes for years

Discolored water stalls operations
Dozens of operations at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley, Scotland, postponed due to a problem with the water supply

NIH closes pharmacy due to sterility issues
Facility was located at hospital that largely treats patients entered in clinical studies

Maryland NICU closed due to potentially fatal bacteria in water pipes
The neonatal intensive care unit at Prince George’s Hospital Center in Cheverly was temporarily shut down after the discovery of potentially deadly bacteria

Mississippi hospital stresses cleaning for infection control
Oktibbeha County Hospital take several precautions to make sure all surfaces are clean as part of the facility's infection control efforts

Olympus reportedly told U.S. managers not to issue a warning about contaminated scopes
Internal e-mails suggest that Olympus officials based in Japan attempted to hide news of a potential outbreak from U.S.