Infection Control - September 2016
Healthcare facilities' hot water equipment scrutinized
Changes in a patient's length of stay can also contribute to the problem.

Microfiber products may help prevent spread of MRSA
Study finds less than 0.25% chance of bacteria transferring from microfiber to people

Hot water systems promote the growth of legionella pneumophila
New study calls for healthcare facilities to examine maintenance and operations

Four ways to reduce healthcare-associated infections
Approximately 1 in 25 patients may encounter a dangerous infection while being treated in a healthcare facility every day

Three Philadelphia heart patients among 20 in Pa. diagnosed with infection linked to heater-coolers
Heater-coolers heat or cool the blood of patients on a heart-lung bypass machine

New study says heat exchangers can act as Legionella reservoirs
Healthcare facilities install heat exchangers to conserve energy

Heater-cooler units at UW Medical Center test positive for Legionella
The source of the outbreak has been linked to the hospital's water system

Irish hospital called 'health hazard' leaving patients at high risk of infection
New report on Mayo General Hospital in Castlebar has revealed a lack of basic infection control measures

Healthcare costs linked to bacteria in water systems rising
Between 1991 and 2006, more than 617,000 hospitalizations related to three common plumbing pathogens resulted in around $9 billion in Medicare payments

Fourth patient infected with Legionnaires' at UW Medical Center
The patient contracted Legionnaires' disease before water restrictions were implemented at the hospital

Does your air measure up?
Universal Health Services sees 64 percent reduction in airborne pathogens

Ice maker, sinks linked to Legionnaires' outbreak
UW Medical Center Legionnaires' outbreak may be linked to two deaths

Silver-based treatment reduces bacteria in hospital laundry
Treating patient textiles with ionic silver after washing can decrease contamination

Study suggests bodily fluids can spread Zika
Tears, saliva, vomit, urine or stool may have the potential to transmit Zika

Link found between antibacterial ingredients in dust and antibiotic resistance
Scientists find a link between antimicrobial substances like triclosan and levels of antibiotic resistant genes

Unsanitary conditions found in N.J. pediatrician's exam room
Problems with storage and disposal of vaccines and biohazardous materials found

Des Moines hospital issues warning to open-heart surgery patients after two infections
About 2,600 patients may be at risk for infections linked to a device used during surgery

Michigan launches probe of dirty instruments at healthcare facility
Doctors have been complaining about dirty, broken and missing surgical instruments for years

Healthcare facilities prepare for Zika by expanding care, partnerships
Hospitals open specialty clinics to learn about the virus

Irish nursing home embraces hand hygiene
Interviews with new residents, staff include a session on hand-washing

IPs' role in healthcare laundering practices
Too often, infection prevention professionals don't realize that improperly laundered healthcare linens can pose a risk

ASC infection-control compliance needs a team approach
Ambulatory surgery centers often don't have a person dedicated to infection control

Study shows coordinated effort can reduce CRE 75 percent
Johns Hopkins reports that regional coordination among hospitals helps reduce HAIs

Bacterium enters Maryland hospital through its water system
Water tests found Pseudomonas bacterium in four sinks in Prince George’s County Hospital Center's neonatal intensive care unit, and two more sinks in another area of the hospital