Infection Control - September 2018
Boston VA hospital patient infected with Legionnaires’
The hospital is retracing the patient’s movements to find the source of the infection

Ebola, Marburg outbreaks infected high percentage of healthcare workers
Findings highlight need to strengthen infection-control practices

Healthcare facilities can do more to prevent infections
Hospital-acquired infections can be reduced with evidence-based prevention and control strategies

Lessons from the latest Congo Ebola outbreak
The biggest issue is we have not learned important lessons from prior Ebola outbreaks

Two reasons why ambulatory care facilities struggle with infection control standards
The Joint Commission highlights problematic standards for office-based surgery practices

Exit, Ebola: Infection control and the hospital exit room
Exit room concept eliminates dangerous backtracking of contamination within a medical facility.

CDC and The Joint Commission release free new infection control resources
Resources address podiatry and orthopedic and pain management settings

Hospitals are boosting hygiene practices to fight superbugs
One of the best ways to prevent ransomware attacks is to educate employees

Study says paper towels spread fewer bacteria than air hand dryers in hospital bathrooms
Jane Phillips Medical Center/St. John Health System, Bartlesville, Okla., is the 2018 Environmental Services Department of the Year Winner in the 1-249 bed category

Oklahoma medical center ES team finds success with 10-step program
Jane Phillips Medical Center/St. John Health System, Bartlesville, Okla., is the 2018 Environmental Services Department of the Year Winner in the 1-249 bed category

Children’s Medical Center Dallas puts employees first to improve performance
The Texas facility is the 2018 Environmental Services Department of the Year winner in the 250-499 bed category

Award-winning ES hospital team uses tried-and-true methods
Memorial Medical Center, Springfield, Ill., is the 2018 Environmental Services Department of the Year Winner in the 500+ bed category

VA adding staff after rust and blood were found on surgical instruments
The VA reported recently that there were about 40,000 job vacancies at the Veterans Health Administration

2018 Environmental Services Departments of the Year named
The award recognizes and celebrates best practices in cleaning and caring for the healthcare environment efficiently and effectively

Specific environmental strategies needed in infection control
World Health Organization offers first-ever priority pathogens list

Florida judge invalidates 14 assisted living code provisions
A proposed rule that would have required hand-washing by staff members after every resident contact was invalidated

Overcrowding in Irish hospitals has almost 8,000 patients stuck on gurneys
Infection control and refurbishment were cited as reasons for putting the beds off limits to patients on gurneys

Control measures working in Congo Ebola outbreak
The outbreak trend must be interpreted with caution, according to WHO

23 infants infected by contaminated equipment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
August 2016 outbreak linked to 'lack of standard cleaning practices'

Using bulk soap dispensers comes with risks
Certain types of bacteria will grow well in refillable type dispensers

The role of auditing in cleaning and disinfection
Nurses play a vital role in healthcare settings