Groundskeeping - January 2014
SF General makes security changes after missing patient's death
Federally ordered changes have been made at San Francisco General Hospital following the death of a patient who was found in a stairwell at the hospital last October

Bedpans get new cleaning solution
With the exception of the U.S., most industrialized nations now use mechanized bedpan washing technologies

New CDC website to support long-term care infection control
Facilities can use the site to access the infection tracking system for long-term care facilities in the CDC's National Healthcare Safety Network

California lawmaker to introduce bill for oversight reforms of elderly care facilities
Bill would also increase training, and require facilities with residents who have restricted or specialized health conditions to employ trained medical personnel

N.C. healthcare facility's burst pipes cause ceiling to fall in patient's room
Three lines in the sprinkler system of the Huntington Health and Rehabilitation facility ruptured

Controlling hazardous material circulation in healthcare facilities
Five key things health care professionals should keep in mind when dealing with variables such as hazardous and sterile materials

Australian Capital Territory hospital patients needlessly contracting infections, expert says
Medical school professor says the number of cases could be cut by half by boosting infection control procedures

Discovery of worker's body in nursing facility raises security questions
Co-worker discovered corpse after men's bathroom goes unchecked, uncleaned for two days

Minnesota lawmakers support reconstruction of hospital to increase security
Ongoing safety issues include a murder of a Minnesota Security Hospital patient by another patient in the facility.

N.H. House backs bill requiring drug testing at healthcare facilities
The bill requires all licensed healthcare facilities in the state to implement drug-free workplace policies and must test employees where a 'reasonable suspicion exists'

Hot water unnecessary for handwashing, study says
Water as cold as 40 degrees Fahrenheit reduced bacteria on hands just as well as warmer water, according to a report

Oahu hospital expects to slash electricity bill with energy retrofit
The energy overhaul, including a new central air conditioning and heat system and lighting upgrades, is expected to cost $5.8 million

Integrated pest management key to keeping healthcare facilities safe
Pests particularly dangerous in a healthcare environment filled with patients with weakened immune systems

Dozens feared dead after Quebec nursing home fire
Five people were confirmed dead and 31 were missing after a fire at Canadian nursing home built out of wood

Behaviors, tools key to hospital safety
Florida hospital has adopted error-prevention tools and behaviors from commercial aviation and nuclear power, high-risk ventures that have implemented highly successful safety standards

Up-to-date infection control technology, vigilance are musts for dental facility
When looking at the technology for a dental facility. it's important to consider what's most effective in the the sterilization area

Infection control needs relationship between clinicians and environmental services
Infection control team and the environmental services/housekeeping team have recognized the importance of sharing their expertise for the benefit of all

Hospital presentation facilities have unique needs
The right lecterns and sound systems for healthcare settings must fit with the location and purpose

Minnesota reporting system cuts hospital errors, study said.
Deaths and other harm to patients from preventable errors such as falls and surgical mistakes have dropped in the 10 years since Minnesota started requiring hospitals and other care centers to report them

Green operating room program reducing waste
Practice Greenhealth's mission is to raise awareness and educate hospitals about how they can develop a more sustainable OR

EHR incentive program on track, according to survey
Nearly 80% of office-based physicians use some type of electronic health record system, an increase of 60 percentage points since 2001 and nearly double the percent in 2008

CMS issues update to equipment maintenance guideline
Memo requires all hospital medical imaging and radiation therapy equipment to be maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommended standards

AHRQ releases report on HAIs and design
'Understanding the Role of Facility Design In the Acquisition and Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections,' provides in-depth analysis on design and HAIs from industry and university experts

Florida hospitals serving organic, locally grown food
St. Vincent's Clay County, other hospitals focusing on 'superfoods,' locally grown fruits and vegetables, as well as all-natural meat, fish and poultry

Hospital parking fees angering patients
Some hospitals lowering fees after patient complaints. Many suburban or rural areas facilities don't charge for parking.

Catholic Health launches program to cut energy use
Healthcare system will use multiple strategies to cut energy use by $11 million to $17 million across its 87 acute care hospitals by July 2015

Few physicians ready for Stage 2 'Meaningful Use' according to survey
One in eight has an electronic health record system capable of supporting most requirements for Stage 2 of the "meaningful use" program, according to government report

Stanford Hospital clinical recycling study reveals 75% cost savings
Recycling program will divert more than 110 tons of non-infectious packaging material from landfill annually, with plastics representing nearly 70 percent

Education key for ES technicians
Knowledge about infection containment solutions will help workers become advocates for their own safety

Infection control accreditation program launched in Indian state
Maharashtra became the third state in the country to launch the NABH-Safe-ITSM Infection Control accreditation program for hospitals

OneTogether takes aim at HAIs with small actions
New initiative aims to reduce the incidence of healthcare-acquired infections by increasing awareness of how the small, individual actions of every healthcare worker can have an influence on patient health and safety

Falls prevention program produces encouraging results
A combination of technology and personal attention is helping prevent patient falls at Greenwich Hospital

Medical waste management training portal launched
Portal provides information on U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Department of Transportation regulations

Hand hygiene stressed at Philippines symposium
Efforts underway to increase patient safety as cases of measles are on the rise

It's not about dirt: Dealing with non-soiling issues in carpet care
Apparent soiling and denting can't be cleaned but can be fixed

Are your patient pillows clean?
One hospital study found that the patient-ready, decontaminated reusable vinyl covered pillows were contaminated with pathogenic bacteria

Fire safety improvement linked to codes and enforcement
With one exception, the number of fires has dropped continuously each year from 6,830 in 2003 to 5,540 in 2010

New Year's resolutions for hospital CFOs
CFOs urges to invest, conserve, challenge the status quo and take calculated risks

Unlocking the code of visual and audible fire alarms
EP4 is another Element of Performance with a high number of individual devices that need to be listed as part of an inventory. As with other EPs in this standard, complete documentation is key to demonstrating compliance with the standard.

'Smart beds' can improve safety
New beds help patients stay safe, while 'smart' capabilities help nurses analyze information and improve patient care

Healthcare facilities need a 21st century continuity plan
Business continuity plan must be an integral part of strategic operations, involving all levels of the organization

Fort Wayne hospital wants own police force
Indiana bill calls for security officers to have full police powers while on hospital grounds

Hospitals and med tech companies join patient safety movement
Group pledges to work to reduce preventable patient deaths to zero by 2020

Quality assurance program key to environmental services
New tools and devices, including simulation training, are available to improve the quality of healthcare services

Rural health IT adoption faces challenges
Support from the federal government and other organizations, are helping rural healthcare provides make progress with meaningful use

Unlocking the code of fire safety initiating devices
Creating a complete inventory of all initiating devices is a mandatory requirement and an essential first step in the process

Clinics more efficient, cost-effective, health officials say
Healthcare efficiency trends are causing a California county clinic construction boom

Healthcare sector to test for cyber attack
The simulation will be the first time insurers, hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and the Health and Human Services Department will collaborate on a test

Hospital cuts alarm fatigue by decreasing noise
Boston Medical Center reduces audible alarms as a way to combat alarm fatigue and improve patient safety

OSHA releases new resources to protect hospital workers and enhance patient safety
Website includes information to help hospitals prevent worker injuries, assess workplace safety needs, enhance safe patient handling programs, and implement safety and health management systems

Unlocking the code to fire safety equipment compliance
To ensure compliance with this standard, hospital facility directors should be familiar with the related code requirements themselves and knowledgeable about their interpretation

Improving speech privacy and noise control for healthcare
Noise can actually harm patients by elevating heart rate and blood pressure. Noise prevents patients from getting the rest they need, weakening the immune system and leading to problems during the day such as agitation, delirium and decreased tolerance to pain

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center to 're-educate' staff about waste disposal
A box of syringes found at a landfill last week was traced back to a UPMC hospital

Ohio health system tries high-tech tool for infection prevention
Radio frequency identification technology used to monitor hand-washing station at one OhioHealth's hospitals in Columbus

Tips on sprinklers for water curtains
Advice for navigating the Life Safety Code on sprinkler placement for water curtains

Some hospital safety showers found to be faulty
Showers designed to minimize microbial contamination have been shown to raise the risk of spraying contamination over hospital patients

Integrated systems can boost hospital safety
Web-based solutions allow facilities to access security systems from virtually any location connected to its network

U.S. News hospital rankings to give patient safety more weight
In 12 specialties, the weight given to patient safety will double to 10% of the overall score. Reputation's weight will drop from 32.5% to 27.5%

Wi-Fi can help secure an OB unit
Ability to see the infant anywhere covered by Wi-Fi expands the range of possibilities for using infant protection solutions

FDA bed rail guidelines leave long-term care in gray area
Nursing home beds may not be subject to Food and Drug Administration regulation, and aftermarket products that might be used on a medical or hospital style bed are sold without FDA scrutiny

How to make the case for hospital infrastructure funding
Getting depreciation funding often involves selling the maintenance mission and needs a multifaceted approach.

Boston firm helps hospitals share expensive equipment
Fleet of vans and specially trained movers help hospital systems lower costs by sharing equipment among different facilities

Union seeks answers on 180 worker-safety complaints at hospital
Covenant HealthCare Nutrition Services can provide nutritionally evaluated meals for discharged patients with special diets

Michigan health system offering 'Healthy Meals to Go' program
Covenant HealthCare Nutrition Services can provide nutritionally evaluated meals for discharged patients with special diets

MRSA infection rates drop in VA long-term care facilities
Four years after implementing a national initiative, MRSA infections have declined

A facility portfolio analysis can assist master planning
Portfolio prioritization is one key piece of information to evaluate when considering funding projects

ACOs tech needs go beyond EHRs
Report says accountable care organizations need CPOE, admission/discharge/transfer, billing, practice management, enrollment and care management systems

APIC publishes new guide on long-term care infection prevention
Infection preventionists in long-term care facilities face unique challenges due to the nature of the care setting and an aging resident population

Australian healthcare system maintains unisex wards despite complaints
Queensland Hospital patients report embarrassment and awkwardness of sharing a hospital ward with the opposite sex

Facility Guidelines Institute update reflects the times, CEO says
FGI 2014 guidelines includes new language on safety risk assessments and increased requirements for commissioning infrastructure systems

Website aims to reduce hospital injuries will offer healthcare providers news, educational materials, tips, tools and resources to use throughout the workplace

UPS opens expanded healthcare distribution facility in Ontario
New addition provides healthcare companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers with a total 600,000 square feet of temperature and humidity controlled environments

Reducing the risk of HAIs through effective environmental cleaning processes
Multiple studies have shown that less than 50 percent of hospital room surfaces tested were cleaned effectively upon terminal room cleaning, despite having the appearance of being cleaned and prepared for the next patient admission

Northwestern Memorial elevates food service with improved restaurants
Rising consumer expectations feed growth of hospital restaurant options

Joint Commission 2014 National Patient Safety Goals released
The first phase calls for hospitals to establish alarm safety as an organizational priority

Study says hand hygiene prior to gloves is unnecessary
Using an alcohol-based cleanser before putting on gloves did not significantly change total bacterial colony counts

Pennsylvania city considers protester-free zones around healthcare facility doors
York City ordinance would ban protesters from a 30-foot 'buffer zone' around the entrances and exits of York City healthcare facilities

Some UK hospitals to replace bedside charts with iPads
The Oxford plan - to be rolled out with up to 500 tablets throughout 2014 is expected to save time and improve safety

Streamlining instrument tray cleaning
Sterile processing department can be weighed down by many unnecessary and inefficient steps

Irish hospitals going tobacco-free
Smoking will not be permitted anywhere on the grounds of healthcare facilities

Facility management value to patient care demonstrated through benchmarking
Data shows highest facility operating costs occur for maintaining buildings at 16 to 20 years

Patient room TVs an untapped resource
TVs can deliver condition-specific patient education, hospital marketing and informational content, and other customized hospital channels

Hospital-acquired infections take toll on patients, bottom line
One in 20 patients acquire infections while receiving care at U.S. hospitals, according to the CDC

Tougher emergency preparedness rules proposed for long-term care facilities
CMS guidelines would make long-term care facilities subject to similar requirements as hospitals

Listen to podcast on disinfecting soft surfaces
Disinfecting soft, non-launderable surfaces such as upholstery, carpeting and draperies one of trickiest cleaning obstacles

Pennsylvania hospitals may skip some state reviews
Pennsylvania Department of Health can grant "deemed status" for licensure purposes to hospitals that have been accredited by national accreditation organizations

Mix of air purification methods helps indoor air quality
Combining ultraviolet germicidal irradiation light and gas-phase air purification with photo catalytic oxidation called a a new and powerful tool

Mobile devices major source of germ transmission
Health and electronics experts advise wiping down mobile devices with a moist microfiber cloth at least daily for basic sanitation

ASHE app offers resources to go
Mobile site includes regulatory updates, news, educational opportunities

A prescription for medical facility energy management
A goal of energy productivity can not only reduce energy costs, but also improve energy reliability and a hospital's long-term financial health

Navigating final changes to EPA emissions standards for area source boilers
Healthcare organizations have three years to comply and may have the option to apply for a one-year extension

Making parking easier for the baby boomer generation
Design of healthcare facility parking lots and parking spaces should be considered when planning for more elderly drivers

Tennessee health system to retain outside vendors during $10 million renovation of food services
Erlanger assures staff that new food service contract won't drop favorite eateries

New York hospital partners with utility to cut energy, water use
Nyack Hospital to invest $1 million in energy- and water-saving upgrades

NIOSH launches web page with cleaning resources
Site describes hazards associated with common cleaning tasks, including those performed in healthcare facilities.

Medical waste found in Pennsylvania landfill
Blood bags, surgical sponges and what might be human tissue keep turning up at a Monroeville landfill

Study says evaluation of infection prevention policies can reveal opportunities for improvement
American Journal of Infection Control survey says identifying gaps in infection prevention practices can improved patient safety

Illinois hospital drill strives for failure
Harrisburg Medical Center tests emergency procedures to find weak spots

Patient transmission causes minority of ICU S. aureus acquisitions
Data from whole-genome sequencing suggest that few Staphylococcus aureus acquisitions in the ICU are the result of patient-to-patient transmission

Bacteria survives on toys, books, cribs for longer than expected
Study suggests additional precautions may be needed especially in hospitals, daycare centers

Bristol Children's Hospital ordered to improve cleanliness after inspection
The Care Quality Commission found that poor hygiene in the UK hospital's operating department were increasing the risk of infection

Hospital installs safeguards to protect medical devices from cyber-attacks
Methodist Hospital of Southern California invests in an integrated systems management program, which reduces vulnerability of its more than 6,000 devices

UK infirmary kiosks to help in the fight against infection
Three new handwashing kiosks have been installed in the main entrance to Hull Royal Infirmary

Waiting room environment and experience effects patient satisfaction
Study says free internet would lessen frustration without time waiting for appointment

New EPA clean air rules will affect hospital power systems
Regulations limit allowable exhaust emissions and changed the rules applying to certain types of system operations

Study shows healthcare staff contaminated with C. diff after routine care
Nearly 1 in 4 healthcare workers' hands were contaminated with Clostridium difficile spores after routine care of patients infected with the bacteria

Well-designed power, air and water systems can enhance care
In the health care setting, the ability to cultivate wellness doesn't end with its people