Energy and Power - July 2016
India hospital deaths blamed on power cut
21 patients at Gandhi Hospital died after power outages

NHS could save £26.4 million annually with CHP
A report says that combined heat and power (CHP) provides the biggest energy saving opportunity

White paper offered on emergency power system basics
Paper discusses maintaining consistent power for reliable healthcare

Advanced condensing boilers remedy aging heating system at Chicago healthcare facility
Presence Health had an old 1 million BTU atmospheric steel tube boiler that was only functioning at maybe 700,000 BTUs

Commissioning an emergency power supply system
The challenge is to leverage the power of technology while mastering best practices to protect, preserve and control these vital records

VA hospital saves energy with solar panels
Amarillo VA hospital installs solar panels covering 720 parking spots

Energy to Care program gaining popularity
ASHE is focusing on C-suite buy-in to improve healthcare energy efficiency

Prime vs. standby generators, final Tier 4 and what it means for facilities managers
Many facilities managers are confused about whether or not the new rules apply to them

Benchmarking helps boost energy efficiency in hospitals
Free tool allows facilities to track and compare their energy usage

Boston healthcare facility uses 'green steam' to reduce carbon footprint
Initiative will help the Boston Medical Center to meet sustainability goals

Connecticut VA Medical Center benefits from energy efficiency upgrades
VA Medical Center upgraded to high-efficiency interior lighting through the Energy Conscious Blueprint program

Hospital emergency preparedness initiative goes national
Powered for Patients working to improve deployment of resources at hospitals during disasters