Infection Control - July 2016
Focusing on interiors and exteriors in healthcare environments
Designers talk about the mutually supportive role interior and exterior spaces play

Legionella risks in building water systems
There are potentially significant liability risks related to water quality in the healthcare sector.

Minimizing traffic during surgery lowers infection rate
New study finds a connection between surgical site infections and how often the OR door is opened during a procedure

N.C. healthcare facility fined for wastewater violations
Company is facing the possible loss of its state license to provide non-skilled assisted living care at a residential facility

Strategies to increase hand-hygiene compliance
A recent study found compliance rate higher with monitoring by infection prevention nurses

CDC investigates Zika case not transmitted by mosquito, sexual contact
A family member of the first Zika-related death in the U.S. has contracted the virus

A healthcare facilities manager's role in infection control
There are key areas that should be monitored

Cleaning healthcare facilities' 'grey zone' cuts infection risk
'Grey zones' are areas commonly glossed over in the cleaning process

Strengthening an infection control protocol
Many factors are involved in effectively combating hospital-acquired infections

Electronic hand-hygiene monitoring reduces MRSA HAIs by 42 percent
Health system studied saved $434,000 by avoiding additional care costs

C-Difficile dog sniffs out infection
Vancouver Coastal Health introduces a furry new aid in the battle against C-Difficile

Is duodenoscope cross-contamination an outpatient facility risk?
Standard brushes used in scope reprocessing can't completely clean the crevices in scopes' elevator mechanisms

Milwaukee-area hospital uses bottled water due to minerals in water
Froedtert Hospital's testing confirmed an "unusual" amount of minerals in the water supply

FDA seeks data on hand sanitizer
Data is intended to help the agency ensure that regular use of these products does not present safety and efficacy concerns

Elizabethkingia update: Original infection source remains unknown
Mystery surrounding the nature of the infection and the outbreak persist

Study urges hospitals to step up cellphone cleaning
Study shows mobile devices used by hospital workers harbor viral RNA

Second untreatable superbug infection found in US
Patient in New York infected with a strain of E. coli highly resistant to last-resort antibiotic treatments

Johns Hopkins students improve Ebola protection suit
Mechanical engineering students develop prototypes for more comfortable hood and face mask and battery-powered system that lowers humidity

Cincinnati hospital accused of skirting safety procedures
Former nurse at University of Cincinnati Medical Center has sued the hospital

Experts say real data needed to affect hand-hygiene compliance
Technological solution urged for accuracy

Do antibacterial building materials pose a health risk?
Scientists say more microbes are healthier than fewer microbes in a space