Security - June 2018
Healthcare cyberthreat reports increasing
In the first six months of 2018, there were 154 breaches reported to the Office for Civil Rights

Inmate climbs through Alabama hospital ceiling to escape
Inmate was taken to the hospital after he claimed to have swallowed a razor blade

Threatening incident at birthing center renews security concerns
Though a nurse felt threatened by a visitor, no one activated an emergency alert that triggers a hospital-wide response

Combating workplace violence
RWJBarnabas Health is taking a stand against workplace violence at its hospitals and clinics

NFPA offers a risk assessment checklist for active shooter situations
Guidance includes tips on information officials should be gathering during building risk assessments

Understanding the role of Chief Security Officer
The Chief Security Officer (CSO) is the executive responsible for the organization's entire security plan

Hospital security changed after 1998 baby abduction
Florida maternity wards now have multiple layers of protection

Buffalo nursing home death raises safety questions
Man's fall from window is the second violent death at the facility in as many years

After Chicago hospital shooting, officials look at lessons learned
It was the second shooting on hospital grounds in less than a year

Another body found in San Francisco General hallway
Police investigating another unexplained death of a woman on the grounds of San Francisco General Hospital

Nursing home investigated after patient falls from window
87-year-old man dies after fall from third floor

Key elements for hospital active shooter response program
NFPA standard advises healthcare facilities

A dose of innovation boosts security at Israeli hospital
The $100 million underground facility is battle-tested

Patient at Pa. hospital slashes security officer with light bulb
The patient was attempting to escape a locked unit at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest

No foul play found in San Francisco General Hospital death
State Health Dept. investigating security issues

Deputies reportedly precluded from searching S.F. hospital stairwell for missing woman
Body of a 75-year-old woman missing nearly two weeks was discovered in a power plant stairwell

Montana's state hospital updates emergency policies
A complaint led to an investigation finding fault in how the state hospital responded to emergencies