Interior Design - April 2015
Healthcare interiors serving needs in changing ways
Healthcare interiors are serving patient, family, and staff needs in a way that would be unrecognizable to recently past generations, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Healthcare facility flooring options
Options include first adhesive free flooring and designs that mimic our internal clockwork

Healthcare facilities embracing lighting that inspires comfort and confidence
Lighting can be an essential design element influencing the staff, patient and visitor's perception of the hospital experience

Designing maternity facilities for millennials
Facilities may need to accommodate natural birth options such as midwife deliveries, doulas, acupuncture, water births, and offering tools such as birthing balls or ropes

Study suggests 'soft' floors reduce falls
A Swedish study recently published in Injury Prevention looked at the effect impact-absorbing flooring had on minimizing injuries from falls, according to an article on the Long-Term Living magazine

Healthcare flooring affects patient well-being
A large but often forgotten part of this 'good design' equation is flooring

Study: Impact-absorbent flooring curbs injuries
Flooring shown to help prevent injuries from falls inside nursing homes

Long-term facilities reinventing rehab
More facilities are looking at ways to add it to their portfolio of services

Designing for needs of cancer patients
Interiors throughout common, treatment, patient services and staff areas should focus on patients' needs

Understanding aging key to designing senior facilities
Connecticut hospital's uses design solutions for lighting, acoustics, and signage to better support its older patients, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Lobby terrarium design solved contamination issues
The focal point of the Rush University Medical Center's Edward A. Brennan Entry Pavilion is a three-story, open-air terrarium, which introduces an exterior landscaped space into the interior

Designing retail clinics
The evolution of healthcare delivery is calling for retailers to rethink their spaces, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website