Security - September 2017
Former ER nurse backs fired security staff
Mercy Mercy Hospital Springfield fired security and ER staff for 'patient care that was not up to hospital standards even in highly tense situations'

Perth hospital considers enlisting smoking police
The six-month trial involves a dedicated security officer reminding smokers that the campus is smoke free

Hospital bars police officers from interacting with frontline staff following nurse's arrest
University of Utah Hospital updated its policy for police interactions the day after an officer arrested a nurse who refused to take a blood sample from an unconscious patient

N.H. hospital locked down after man shoots mother dead in ICU
The active-shooter alert at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon forced evacuation

The future of violence response and emergency preparedness in healthcare
Several healthcare organizations have published information to assist security directors

Workers push for metal detectors at Mass. mental health facilities
Taunton State Hospital and six other Department of Mental Health locations are included on list

Report says psych ward video cameras could save lives
Patient safety called more important than the privacy issues