Health are facilities that haven’t yet integrated current electronic health records (EHRs) into their infrastructure should have a new sense of urgency. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates all health care organizations must have fully operational EHR system standards by the end of this year. Failure to comply by 2015 could result in fines.
Many healthcare facilities today are faced with new architectural and technological challenges as they evolve to incorporate — some for the first time — comprehensive EHRs to meet the ACA’s federal mandates, according to an article on the Healthcare Construction + Operations website.
Ideally, healthcare facilities want to fully integrate mechanical-electrical, and fires safety and security systems, in addition to medical equipment and communication networks, the article said.
EHRs add another level of complexity to systems integration when codes on the federal, state and local levels regulate nearly all aspects of a facility’s design and construction. According to the article, the following are three approaches for a sound design or redesign of health care facilities with current EHR systems:
• Start with designing a well-planned implementation and process map. The map should be mutually agreed upon by all stakeholders, as it helps everyone involved successfully schedule the implementation process.
• Conduct a campus-wide analysis of existing architectural and engineering systems and their mechanical, electrical, wireless, and data conditions. Facilities may also identify flexible spaces for use during phased construction.
• Train staff to ensure buy-in with the new EHR system, and to enhance work processes and decision-making.
Read the article.