Infection Control - November 2016
Focusing on infection control in the emergency department
Some EDs are making contributions to their facilities' HAI prevention efforts

Duke testing robot-nurse
The robot is being developed through a collaboration between Duke’s School of Engineering and School of Nursing students and staff

Pomona hospital employees fear patients are being sickened by dirty conditions
Employees of one of San Gabriel Valley’s largest hospitals say management has ignored situation

Reducing HAIs in long-term care facilities
Long-term care facilities should implement an infection-control training model that addresses issues staff members encounter on a daily basis, according to an article on the Long-term Living website

WHO says Zika no longer an international public health emergency
Zika and associated complications still a significant challenge

Air curtains may be tool in the fight against Zika
Air movement is known to be effective in disrupting insect flight

WHO recommends ways to stop surgical infections
In the U.S., surgical infections contribute to patients spending more than 400,000 extra days in hospital

Infectious brain disease confirmed at Maine hospital
Portland hospital suspends elective surgeries in order to sterilize its surgical equipment and facilities

Infection control problems tied to Hep. C outbreak
Researchers say 2013 N.D. nursing home outbreak caused by lapses

Tropical bed bug making a comeback
For the first time in 60 years, a tropical bed bug has been confirmed in Florida

Water main break shuts off service to Missouri hospital
Hannibal Regional Hospital instituted a boil order after a water main break shut off service

Soiled linens could carry C. diff, study shows
In the dirty areas, 23 percent tested positive for C. diff

Report shows hospitals still struggling with deadly infections
But Wallowa Memorial Hospital reports that in 2015 they had no incidences of most bacterial infections associated with a hospital stay and just one case of the most dangerous.

Nevada hospital installs bacteria-fighting OR light fixtures
Henderson Hospital install lights that continuously disinfect the environment

Superbug outbreak costs an NHS hospital one million pounds
Imperial College London scientists assessed a 10-month outbreak of carbapenemase-producing enterobacteria

Soiled linens may cause environmental contamination
New study suggests that soiled clinical linens may be a source of surface Clostridium difficile contamination

Will overtime laws affect infection control measures?
Donning and doffing procedures may be about to change

Using copper to fight infection
Researchers have discovered that copper alloys destroy MRSA, norovirus and other pathogens

Bacterial outbreak likely linked to infants’ deaths at Md. hospital
Prince George’s Hospital Center closed its NICU for the second time in a few months

First cases of deadly fungal infection reported in U.S.
In June, the CDC issues a warning to hospitals about the deadly yeast infection

Cleanliness: Analyzing HCAHPS' Question 8
With the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) reporting mandate in place, the subject of cleanliness has become even more important

Addressing healthcare-associated infections with modern hand-hygiene practices
A longterm care facility's infection preventionist should ensure that infection control policies and programs are up to date, understood and followed, according to an article on the Longterm Living website.

Keys for an effective infection preventionist
A longterm care facility's infection preventionist should ensure that infection control policies and programs are up to date, understood and followed, according to an article on the Longterm Living website.

Hospital shines a black light on hand washing
A Glo Germ demonstration showed staff just how good a job they did washing their hands

Scrubs may help spread germs to patients
The spots most likely to be contaminated were sleeves and pockets

Norfolk hospital fighting infection with copper-infused linens
More hospitals are using copper in bed linens, patient gowns and countertops