Groundskeeping - September 2017
Fla. healthcare facilities rush to implement new regulations
Owners have until Nov. 15 to purchase generators and enough fuel to maintain temperatures below 80 degrees for at least four days

Benefits of digital signage in healthcare
Digital signage within the healthcare facility can improve the patient, visitor and staff experience

St. Bernards Cancer Center: Major referral hospital gets major makeover
MD-10 aircraft outfitted as mobile teching hospital

Oldest patients more vulnerable during disasters
Nursing homes and other facilities are required to have preparation plans in place

Hospital in Upper Keys reopens after hurricane damage
Mariners Hospital in Tavernier evacuated its patients ahead of Irma approached and the hospital’s first floor was flooded

Florida nursing home deaths blamed on preventable chaos
Only one nursing home with a power loss is known to have caused multiple deaths

Puerto Rico hospitals in dire straits after Maria
Storm has left hospitals flooded, strewn with rubble and dependent on diesel generators

Nursing homes call Florida gov.'s emergency deadline impractical
Nursing homes ordered have generators capable of running air conditioning in place by Nov. 15

Former ER nurse backs fired security staff
Mercy Mercy Hospital Springfield fired security and ER staff for 'patient care that was not up to hospital standards even in highly tense situations'

Buffalo healthcare facilities serving food fresh from the farm
Hospitals, like restaurants, are stressing homegrown, locally sourced produce

Florida governor gives assisted living communities 60 days to get generators
The facilities are also required to have enough fuel to enable them to maintain comfortable temperatures for at least 96 hours following a power outage

HHS offers hurricane preparation guidance
Health information management is among the topics covered

Most Florida healthcare facilities were ready for Irma
Despite Hollywood horror story, most other healthcare facilities in southern Florida were prepared

Design changes are causing mold and moisture building failures
There is a relationship between the HVAC and building envelope design and performance

Where healthcare laundry and infection prevention meet
A healthcare facility infection preventionist must navigate the intersection where healthcare laundry and infection prevention come together

Florida nursing home where 11 died had emergency plan with no mention of air conditioning
The Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills' plan created with copy-paste passages

Emails show three Savannah hospitals backpedaled on hurricane response
Memorial Health agreed to house the medical needy

HVAC experts suggest natural ventilation be allowed in most spaces outside of operating rooms
Natural ventilation is defined as the transport of fresh air through non-mechanical means, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

New Orleans hospital patient infections linked to contaminated heater-cooler
Twelve patients at Children's Hospital in New Orleans contract rare SSI

Florida nursing home deaths put focus on disaster planning
The new federal rule will require that nursing homes have 'alternate sources of energy to maintain temperatures to protect resident health and safety'

Jacksonville-area hospitals responded to Irma with detailed emergency plans
Mayo Clinic staff, for instance, started preparing for the storm more than a week prior to experts saying the projected path would impact Florida

Sewage leaking from Winnipeg hospital
A drainage pipe has been discharging raw sewage into the soil since at least spring

Perth hospital considers enlisting smoking police
The six-month trial involves a dedicated security officer reminding smokers that the campus is smoke free

Montana hospital water tests positive for legionella
The test was prompted after a patient tested positive for the bacteria

State shuts down nursing home where 9 people died
The deaths are believed to be heat related, but still under investigation

Tokyo hospital tracks equipment via RFID-enabled shelving
The technology identifies stock levels at each of its wards in real time

Five years after Sandy, NYC hospitals may be ready for the next big storm
Hospitals in Texas were mostly prepared for Hurricane Harvey

Second unit of Mayo food service workers vote to unionize
The workers voted by a 2-1 margin to join the union

Hospital's $5.5 million asbestos problem causing safety concerns
Figure includes almost $2 million for a retrofitted air-conditioning system in the radiology department

$2.5 million in medications could go bad without power at Florida clinic
The clinic serves 10,000 patients who are uninsured and working residents with chronic medical conditions

9 dead at Florida nursing home left without air conditioning
Patients at a Hollywood Facility spent days in sweltering heat after Hurricane Irma

Study says separating septic, aseptic operating areas unnecessary
No relevant differences were seen microbial concentration in the environmental air between septic and aseptic procedures

Bacteria stays on scrubs even with antibacterial fabrics
New research shows hospital scrubs can easily be contaminated

Hospital bars police officers from interacting with frontline staff following nurse's arrest
University of Utah Hospital updated its policy for police interactions the day after an officer arrested a nurse who refused to take a blood sample from an unconscious patient

W.V. VA sends help to Hurricane Irma recovery efforts
The Beckley VA Medical Center has deployed a five-member team to Alabama

Calibrated performance model created for hospital building
Model helps Barts Health NHS Trust assess proposed energy-conservation measures

Solar power can transform healthcare in India
Solar systems at rural healthcare centers improving healthcare delivery

Harvey floodwaters carry high levels of E coli, toxins
Precautions needed when returning to flooded buildings, public health experts said

Florida assisted care facility sheltered in place without power for three days
As the indoor temperature climbed to the mid-80s, humidity made the hard-surfaced floors slick with condensation

N.H. hospital locked down after man shoots mother dead in ICU
The active-shooter alert at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon forced evacuation

Three reasons telehealth is revolutionizing outpatient recovery
A comprehensive transition program, which utilizes telehealth to engage patients as well as their respective caregivers, can help reduce readmissions

Toronto hospital recognized for energy efficiency
Toronto Hydro awards Michael Garron incentive funding

Why real-time ADT messages are the revolution of care management
ADT messages are lately becoming the cornerstone in care management as the go-to source of data, holding a wealth of valuable information that can affect point-of-care decisions

Eight dead in Florida nursing home left with no A/C after Irma
The home's air-conditioning had been out since Hurricane Irma struck

Irma forced evacuation of 30 hospitals
At least 278 assisted living facilities, 61 nursing home, and some 60 other healthcare facilities evacuated some or all of their patients

Some Florida hospitals left without water, sewage service
Other hospitals across Florida have returned to normal operations

Healthcare system launches app to support wayfinding
Kaleida Health app helps patients make it to their appointments on time

Houston command center focuses on medical infrastructure continuity
The Catastrophic Medical Operations Center was established by the Southeast Texas Regional Advisory Council

The future of violence response and emergency preparedness in healthcare
Several healthcare organizations have published information to assist security directors

Workers push for metal detectors at Mass. mental health facilities
Taunton State Hospital and six other Department of Mental Health locations are included on list

Maintaining building barrier protections
Energy efficiency is often one of the easiest ways to improve a healthcare facility's bottom line

Naples hospital moves 450 evacuees to higher floors at downtown facility
More than 450 storm refugees from NCH employees' families and patient family members were moved

Hurricane Irma evacuees come to N.C. hospitals
Greenville Health System has been asked to take four patients from a skilled nursing facility and from MUSC Health in Charleston

Specific environmental strategies needed in infection control
World Health Organization offers first-ever priority pathogens list

Microbicidal paint used in George healthcare facility oncology unit
The microbicidal properties were attractive given the compromised immune system of the patient population

St. Thomas hospital suffers catastrophic failure
Hurricane Irma leaving many parts of the second largest of the U.S. Virgin Islands in shambles

Tampa hospitals weighed evacuation options before Irma
Area hospitals prepared for all possibilities before deciding whether to evacuate

Irma forces hospitals across three states to evacuate
At least 35 hospitals across Florida, Georgia and South Carolina evacuate patients or shut down

Central Florida hospitals evacuated, locked down ahead of Irma
The majority of patients at Health First's Cape Canaveral Hospital will be transferred to other Health First hospitals

Healthcare system launches virtual appointment effort
'Video Visit' expands on Aurora’s telemedicine offerings

In better news, eclipse went off without a healthcare hitch
But hospitals still watching for foodborne or waterborne disease outbreaks

How UVA Health System responded to the Charlottesville rally
University of Virginia Health System played a key role in caring for people injured during a white nationalist march

EHRs and paper: The headaches of document management
The infographic offers statistics including information on how much paper-dependent practices waste time

Utah facility well-stocked with medical supplies in case of disaster
Centralized location of medical products hub puts Utah in secure position

Texas hospitals short of (usable) water
Beaumont's water pump broke, cutting off water supplies to the city

Memphis, Nashville facilities take patients airlifted from Harvey
Federal agencies placed a National Disaster Medical System on alert

Houston hospitals may not be back to normal for a month
The SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council estimates that nearly two dozen hospitals have evacuated patients

Most Houston healthcare facilities withstand Harvey
Ben Taub Hospital's hospital-wide evacuation shrunk to only three vehicles

Stronger security and disaster planning sending healthcare to the cloud
Experts say cloud platforms can be more secure than managed data centers

Report says psych ward video cameras could save lives
Patient safety called more important than the privacy issues

Restaurant-style dining coming to skilled nursing facilities
Facilities are letting residents weigh in on what — and when — they eat

Faulty sink valve causes flood at Canadian healthcare facility
Leak happened in unit where patients recover from bone marrow procedures

Harvey could financially hurt struggling Houston hospitals
The storm has forced hospitals to cancel surgeries, evacuate patients and contend with food and supply shortages

Houston hospital abandons plans to evacuate patients
Ben Taub Hospital calls off attempts to evacuate patients after a series of delays

Geisinger cutting sugary beverages
The move in the latest in the system's healthy eating program

Germicidal technologies reduce hospital airborne pathogens
UV-C technologies can contribute to strategies for reducing HAIs and ARMs without adding to their resistance to medicinal treatments

Tampa healthcare facility reviewing emergency plan in wake of Houston flooding
One of Tampa's biggest, busiest hospitals would probably be underwater

Harvey forces healthcare facility evacuations, closures
Ben Taub General Hospital among those that evacuated its patients

Keys to a healthcare cybersecurity strategy
Naming a CISO and maintaining a separate budget are two of the crucial elements

Harvey highlights need for emergency plans
Dozens of healthcare facilities in Texas have had to evacuate