Facility Operations - August 2014
Child killed by security golf cart in hospital parking lot
Three-year-old was hit by vehicle driven by Aiken Regional Medical Center security guard

Healthcare facilities turning to data centers as technology needs grow
Options for data storage include new or renovated facilities located on or off campuses, outsourcing to third-party operators and cloud services, according to an article on the Healthcare Design

White paper on antimicrobial protection available
'Antimicrobial Protection for Public Building Applications' can be downloaded for free

Experts question hospital infection-control policies
Screening and isolating infected patients not proven effective

HVAC and solar features help Pennsylvania hospital cut costs and energy use
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is saving up to $500,000 annually in energy costs

Probe finds hospital security not properly trained after man jumps to his death
The St. Luke's University Hospital security guard had not been fully trained in monitoring patients, according to Pennsylvania state investigation

UK hospital has its own school and gardens
St Aubyn's Centre has a school attached and patients' rooms have private gardens

Healthcare waste disposal ideas sought
Product developer searching for ways to improve hazardous waste disposal in healthcare facilities

Healthcare organizations have a range of data center options
Survey says data center projects are expected to remain prevalent for some time, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Maryland hospital trains for emergency drill
Statewide exercise tests rapid response during an earthquake

Optimizing hospital security with identity management software
Need for security must be balanced with the individual's need to easily move about the hospital

Trends in essential power systems
Trends include testing back-up power use and expanding power-monitoring requirements

Study says C. diff patients will contaminate some staff
Healthcare workers urged to take extra precautions

Backflow preventers Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about backflow preventers

Critical access hospital re-imagining care delivery
Critical access hospitals are evolving with changes in healthcare delivery methods, technology and demographics

Study says health workers exposed to high levels of antibacterial soap chemical
Effects of potentially unsafe levels of triclosan under review by the Food and Drug Administration

OSHA fines Boston-area hospital for unsafe conditions
Melrose-Wakefield Hospital fined for mishandling of medical waste

CMS backs new dining practice standards
Nursing homes should encourage seniors to be informed on how to select the best foods to fit their needs, according to an article on the Long-Term Living website

Preventing common hospital accidents
Ensure facility workers remember dangers by recognizing some of the most common hazards in your environment

Century-old trees to be removed from Georgia hospital
Trees at Gwinnett Hospital declared unsafe after storm

Bellevue Hospital gets $117 million in Sandy aid
Federal grant to help the city repair storm-related damage to Bellevue

Hospitals lauded for cutting energy use
American Society for Healthcare Engineering has recognized the hospitals' efforts as part of its Energy to Care program

New Hampshire hospital trucking in natural gas to cut energy use
Keene facility switched from fuel oil to decrease carbon footprint

Infection control recommendations for Ebola questioned
Healthcare Coalition for Emergency Preparedness says CDC issuing contradictory guidelines

Room-service approach improving hospital food
Hospitals switching to a room-service-style model and leaving basic two-choice model behind

Video shows flood waters burst through Nebraska hospital
Good Samaritan Hospital surveillance footage shows the flash flood waters burst through the cafeteria

ACA may mean the end of bad hospital food
The Affordable Care Act has changed the game for hospital food-service providers

FGI Guidelines Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about FGI Guidelines

Reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections
The importance of the role of the environmental service department has moved beyond making sure a patient's room is sanitary

Air flow path matters in patient rooms
Computational fluid dynamics simulations help in visualization of airflow patterns, temperature distribution, concentration of contaminants and flow path of airborne pathogens

Study compares hand hygiene and environmental cleaning
Hand-hygiene compliance outperformed cleaning in infection control

Georgia medical center working to balance gun law, safety
Safe Carry Protection Act of 2014 will likely mean guns can be brought onto the hospital campus

Looking beyond the traditional clinic
Health services are branching out to alternative sites

Building energy intelligence in a large hospital
Australia's major hospitals evaluates the energy savings potential for deploying a predictive energy optimization platform

OSHA updates respiratory protection directive for hazardous chemicals
Employers may be cited for violating the OSHA standard even when workers are voluntarily wearing filtering facepiece respirators

Walmart opens primary care clinics
They will be open longer and later than competitors: 12 hours per day during the week and another 8-plus hours per day on weekends

OSHA cites Brooklyn hospital over violence to employees
Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center told to implement a workplace violence prevention program immediately

Mercy Virtual invests in telemedicine
Virtual medical center has the potential to improve care and hospital revenues

Pennsylvania hospital found noncompliant after patient jumps from window
St. Luke's University Hospital-Bethlehem was not compliant with certain safety regulations

Implementing a sporicidal daily disinfectant cleaner in a community hospital
Initial results showed 36.5 percent more cultures had no microbial burden after the product change

Environmental services to expand, promote influence
Association for the Healthcare Environment executive director says ES managers will also focus on shaping the profession

Nebraska hospital hit with severe flooding
Flood waters at Kearney's Good Samaritan Hospital broke through the two-story ground-to-ceiling windows of the dining room

Healthcare providers accounted for majority of recent data breaches
The Department of Health and Human Services recently submitted its annual report to Congress about breaches of unsecured protected health information for 2011 and 2012

Vegas betting on facilities to attract medical tourism
The Las Vegas Regional Strategic Plan for Medical and Wellness Tourism was recently unveiled

Hand-sanitizer dispenser's color can increase hygiene compliance
A recent study showed that bright red hand-sanitizer dispensers can increase hand-hygiene compliance in hospitals

Maintenance is a reliability and compliance issue
Power management strategy comes in where both issues meet

Atlanta hospitals to cut waste by 65 percent
Emory hospitals are implementing a new recycling program in the operating rooms and other patient care areas

Hiring key in evolution of senior food service
Facilities must recruit experienced chefs who may not have backgrounds in senior living

London hospital hopes to cut energy costs by 1 million pounds
St. George's Hospital has adopted an energy performance pact to try to lower its costs by 25 percent

Antimicrobial fogging and misting protocols approved
The EPA has approved protocols that would allow antimicrobial product developers to register disinfection and sanitizer products intended for fogging or misting applications

Study says flashing lights increase hand hygiene
Hand-hygiene compliance at one hospital doubled after flashing red lights were placed on hand sanitizer dispensers

Bed rail entrapment linked to mattress size, loose rails
Irish study says poorly sized or compressible mattresses may increase risk, according to an article on the Long-Term Living website

Life Safety Code for IT closets
According to the 2000 Life Safety Code (LSC), there are no requirements to do so

The Chief Facilities Officer's emerging role
The CFO is a change agent, guiding the evolution of the facility capital planning and management process

Traditional commissioning doesn't fully address healthcare technology
Commissioning is focused only on contractor-furnished items and usually ignores integrations with owner-furnished medical technologies

Second flooding at Irish hospital investigated
Letterkenny General Hospital says damage is less than last year's

Data helps sell healthcare energy efficiency efforts
Solid data can drive programs, track progress and do internal and external comparisons

Toledo EDs dealing with toxins in water supply
Hospitals have backup water sources for this and related water-compromising scenarios

Smoke detector Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about smoke detectors in IT closets

Georgia hospital using three germ-zapping robots
St. Francis Hospital in Columbus uses disinfection devices to go beyond regular cleaning

Hospital's sponsored space brews concern
Dunkin' Donuts-sponsored family lounge at children's hospital - complete with free coffee - may be sending mixed signals, according to an article on the Healthcare Design website

Exotic animals help nursing home patients
Massachusetts facility has llamas, alpacas, saltwater fish

New fabric may fight HAIs
Large health system to begin using uniforms made of a fabric designed to help fight pathogen transmission

Healthcare TV trends
TVs are much more than a way for patients to kill time. They are becoming an important part of a hospital stay

Facilities need a bedbug control plan
While attention is usually given after bedbugs are found, what a facility does before they are detected can be more important

'Mouse ridden' New Jersey facility gets clean bill of health
The facility is now in compliance with state law per a Department of Community Affairs inspection, the owner says

Wireless controls are standard building automation
Wireless communications technology enables building automation system technology and mission-essential building systems

Delhi hospitals cited for inadequate fire-safety measures
Problems were primarily with non-functioning fire fighting systems

Legionella bacteria found in water at two Alabama VAs
Montgomery, Tuskegee facilities find bacteria in water supplies

Integration can improve healthcare facility management
Today's facilities are complex environments that must support many diverse functions

Tips to improve wayfinding signage
Many healthcare facilities fall into a middle ground between easy-to-find and needing-a-GPS building layouts

Building deficiencies found at Maine hospital
Building safety codes issues found at Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport

Nursing home worker alleges she wasn't warned of shooter drill
Nurse says she was traumatized after she was 'taken hostage' during safety exercise

Dozens of Alberta health facilities lack fire sprinklers
More than 80 facilities are not equipped with sprinklers and another 50 only have sprinklers in some areas

Infection prevention recommendations for Ebola patients
Standard, contact and droplet precautions are recommended by the CDC for management of hospitalized patients with known or suspected Ebola Viral Disease

New CMS regulations could mean changes for healthcare facilities
A key change would involve a requirement that 'high-rise' buildings be sprinklered throughout

'Nightmare bacteria' spread in Southeast
Spread of these superbugs could be fueled in part by gaps in infection control in hospitals and long-term care facilities

Minnesota hospital stops to increase patient safety
Rice Memorial Hospital uses red stop sign to indicate a no-interuption zone

Ventilation checks Q&A
In a recent Q&A on the FacilityCare website, consultant Brad Keyes answered a question about ventilation-check frequency

S.C. hospital revises procedures after infection outbreak
Four surgical patients die at Greenville Health System due to a mycobacterial infection

Hospital vending machine dispenses fresh foods via RFID
Machine has a built-in RFID reader to track the items stored inside the unit via tags affixed to food packaging

NIOSH outlines response to sewer gas exposure
Report created in response to request from employees at a Kentucky medical office building about concerns of exposure

Irish hospital food service hit with complaints
Food service budgets slashed in last two years

Physician shoots armed patient at Philadelphia hospital
Facility policy allows only on-duty law enforcement officers to bringing weapons onto the campus

Abilene facility makes energy upgrade
Abilene Regional Medical Center is updating its HVAC system and retrofitting more than 1,000 lighting fixtures to save $85,032

Solar energy project planned for D.C. hospital
Renewable energy project to bring solar power from North Carolina to the D.C.