Hospital design - strategies, tips and insights for the healthcare facilities management industry

Inside Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital's Modern Transformation

Aligning Construction and Facility Activities to Minimize Problems

How Architects Shape the Future of Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare Design Trends to Watch in 2025

Communication Proves to Be Essential Task During Design Phase

Design-Build Benefits: Shorter Timeframe and Lower Costs

What Amenities Do Healthcare Employees Want?

What Amenities Can Relieve Stress at Children's Hospitals?

The Three Key Functions of Lighting in Healthcare Facilities

How to Approach Designing Children's Healthcare Facilities

Communication is Key for Hospital Renovation Projects

Three Questions When Designing Inpatient Behavioral Health Facilities

Microhospitals Thrive on Efficiency, Connections

Effective Patient Safety Practices in Hospital Renovations

Enhancing Behavioral Healthcare with Thoughtful Design

Avoiding HAIs in Healthcare Design

How is Artificial Intelligence Being Used in Healthcare Architecture?

What's the Future of Healthcare Facility Architecture?

Enhancing Children's Healthcare with Thoughtful Design

Designing for an Enhanced Patient Experience

Healthcare Facilities Spending to Rise

Leading with Empathy: What Not to Overlook in Healthcare Design

Enhancing Healthcare Facilities with Evolving Trends

Security and Openness in Behavioral Health Staff Stations

Enhancing Care Environments: Trends in Healthcare Facility Design

Integrating the Natural World into Healthcare Facilities

FCA Turns Former Retail Space into Ambulatory Care Center

Designing for Holistic Healing in Healthcare

Infusion Bay Design to Balance Privacy and Efficiency

Designing Healthcare Facilities for Autonomy, Choice and Inclusivity

Modular Construction: A Different Approach to Building Healthcare Facilities

Designing Customized Furnishings in Healthcare

Inclusivity and Dignity in Healthcare Facility Design

Evidence-Based Design Plays Major Role in New Healthcare Facilities

How to Integrate Biophilia into Healthcare Settings

Horton Automatics Doors Used in Lancaster General Hospital ER Expansion

Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo Announces Award Winners

UChicago Medicine Breaks Ground on New Cancer Care Pavilion

Milwaukee County to Open New Mental Health Emergency Center

Overlake Medical Center Installs VITEC IPTV System, Sees Results

Novant Health Begins Construction on Renovation Project

ANF Group and Providence One Partners Break Ground on New Assisted Living Facility

University of Chicago Medicine Plans New Cancer Center

Virginia Medical Center Begins $108 Million Expansion

Design Should Balance Infection Control, Quality Of Life And Greater Resident Wellness

Healthcare Renovations Need Flexible Design Solutions

What Does the Future of Healthcare Facility Design Look Like?

Healthcare Environments Can Support Safety, Teamwork

Covid-19 Could Change Future Hospital Design

Evolving Healthcare Design With Virtual Reality Technology

Design Considerations From A Nurse/Interior Designer For Healthcare Facilities

Milwaukee Hospital Opens Separate Emergency Department For Pregnant Women

Modular Construction Can Offer Healthcare Facilities Needed Flexibility

A Connected Point of Care Ecosystem Checklist

Q&A: How Design Can Assist in Care

Longterm Impact From COVID-19 Expected For Senior Facilities

COVID-19 is changing hospital design in the short- and longterm

Adapting medical office buildings to increase patient safety and confidence

Designing for wellbeing in longterm, behavioral care

Future hospital entrance areas designed as a visual statement

Behavioral health facility design sends a message

Healthy design choices can support patients' wellbeing

COVID-19 challenges us to rethink clinical workflow

Healthcare design can help prevent infection spread in restrooms

Healthcare design after COVID-19

Coronavirus emergency could change hospital design

Large scale simulation to inform hospital design

Purposeful design can help fight a pandemic

COVID-19 expected to change healthcare facility design

Pandemic will affect future of the design

Lessons learned about temporary hospitals

Building out a new hybrid OR a complex operation

Design strategies can improve mental healthcare facilities

Johns Hopkins Proton Therapy Center Now Open

2020 healthcare design trends

Green hospital design redefining healthcare

It’s time to update your collaboration spaces

Sustainable design can support health and recovery of patients

Design assist can help meet tight construction deadlines

Photo tour: China's first coronavirus hospital

Putting the creative brain to work in healthcare facilities design

How to operate a 'biophilic' facility

Designing the hospital of the future

Milwaukee-area outpatient center designed for calm, convenience

Designing for healthcare facility staff satisfaction

How can China build a hospital for coronavirus so quickly?

Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge was designed to engage young patients

Designing for dementia patients

Healthcare design trends in 2020s

Conference center converted to sports medicine complex

Healthcare trends to watch in 2020

Choosing a window wall vs. a curtain wall

How BIM improves healthcare facility design and operations

Healthcare facilities should be designed for safety

Design of Unity Health Care Brentwood facility in D.C. focused on employee and patient experience

Clemson creates healthcare design certificate for clinical and leadership nurses

Nine design drivers for behavioral health facilities

Emergency rooms designed for older patients improving outcomes

Austin State Hospital replacement planned

Brooklyn Heights clinic designing spaces for adults, children

Designing restrooms for long-term use can save money in the long run

Extreme weather changing design standards

Illinois hospital's new $30 million emergency department includes an 11,000-square-foot green roof

Hospital designs suite to calm patients undergoing MRI

Outpatient facility design for introverts and extroverts

Resilient design for healthcare facilities about more than disasters

How to create collaborative patient-centered design

Designing to give patients more control with wearable technology

New $920M University of Michigan hospital to include family spaces

Tennessee children's hospital designed for homey feel

Patient expectations are redefining facilities

Sustainable design can support health and recovery of patients

Are healthcare villages the future?

Community and staff input informs new North Dakota hospital

The intersection of design and healthcare

Children’s hospital using input, mock rooms to design mental-health facility

Saskatchewan children's hospital designed with 'home-like environment'

Design contest helps fill research void for behavioral facilities

Creating more comfortable healthcare facilities

How to create collaborative patient-centered design

Colorado Springs emergency department designed to be model of efficiency

Understanding behavioral health design imperative

Post-occupancy evaluations can reveal wealth of information

Report: Hospital's unsuitable bedroom design diminished patients' privacy and dignity

Healthcare facility in Netherlands designs playroom to encourage engagement

New San Francisco hospital to use a seismic wall technology

Amazon is selling actual hospital rooms

Hospital designs suite to calm patients undergoing MRI

Mass. General Hospital plans large addition

Top three design features to boost the patient experience

Vanderbilt School of Nursing building designed to support wellness

DeBakey VA Medical Center renovation designed to support mental healthcare

New mother and baby unit planned in Congo

Experts say better environmental design, staff training needed in wake of care home deaths linked to aggression

Resiliency is key to today's healthcare design

Lean design builds Ohio hospital piece by piece

The physical environment affects health and wellness

Facility Guidelines Institute begins process for 2022 guidelines

Renovating underused spaces at healthcare facilities can generate revenue

Design can serve the whole patient

Four considerations when designing pediatric healthcare units

Tennessee children's hospital designed for homey feel

Healthcare facility noise pollution can impact quality and safety of healthcare

BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre designed to be 'wood first'

Psychiatric care for children designed to be 'pavilion in the park'

Men’s health facility design more 'club' than 'clinic'

Duke University Student Wellness Center gets upgrade

Palos Health and Loyola University Medical Center designed to encouraged a feeling of intimacy

Hospitals design can affect patient outcomes

Exhibit looks at more than 100 years of design and wellness

Designing inclusive healthcare facilities

Colorado State University Health and Medical Center Medical Services Building

UPMC plans three Pittsburgh specialty hospitals

How your healthcare facility’s design can attract patients and build loyalty

University of Utah Hospital campus getting renovation

California hospital plans new L.A. tower

Designing tomorrow's operating room

Designing for LTC patients under 65

FGI guidelines refocus imaging spaces on care

Can design answer patient-boarding issues?

Personality, place, project and process key components to creativity in healthcare design

Healthcare Design announces Rising Star Award Winners

Empathetic design is gaining prominence

Center for Health Design offers database on building environment outcomes

Seven projects win AIA/AAH Healthcare Design Awards

Hurricane spurs ED re-do at Houston hospital

Mississippi hospital transitions from historic to modern

Brooklyn Health Center designed to be service-oriented

Inova Health System following trend to inpatient behavioral health

Research, evidence key to building safer, more welcoming hospitals

Design of Vero Beach's Scully-Welsh Cancer Center focuses on area's natural beauty

Expansive 'health city' planned for Brisbane

Healthcare system building microhospital in Mesa

Texas healthcare facility builds senior-oriented ER

Hospital expansion adds functionality to patient-centric design

Students design talking exam room

Justifying designing for the patient experience

Healthcare aesthetics getting bolder

Alzheimer’s village designed to let patients shop, farm and socialize

A dose of innovation boosts security at Israeli hospital

Exit, Ebola: Infection control and the hospital exit room

The future of healthcare design and construction? It’s factory made.

Designing emergency departments to shrink wait times

Technological advances are changing healthcare design

North Carolina heart hospital consolidates cardiac services

Healthcare aesthetics getting bold

Healthcare design adapts to industry changes

Fla. acute care hospital designed for seniors

Florida health system investing $600 million acquisitions, renovations

First U.S. Native birthing facility planned in New Mexico

Pa. hospital launches senior-specific ER program

N.C. hospital expansion has nautical theme

Biophilic design can support healing

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta plans extensive campus

Design can support a healthcare organization's growth plan

Risk management can impact the physical environment

What does the future of healthcare facility design look like?

Texas children’s hospital works fun into its tower design

Biophilic design becoming more common in healthcare facilities

Colorful medical center planned for Chicago neighborhood

Dementia village planned in British Columbia

The American Center in Madison earns LEED Gold

Ill. proposal would make it easier to convert hospitals into ERs.

Psychiatric stabilization unit designed to maximize limited light

When fresh air in hospitals went out the window

Designing for active senior patients

Calif. children’s hospital mixes technology, nature and playtime

How Boomers and Millennials can work together — and love it. A conversation with two E4H architects.

Vancouver healthcare facility designs healing environment with colorful graphics

Specialty care center chooses surface materials to elevate patient experience

Cleveland health system expands green space to create a 'hospital in a park'

Illinois hospital finishes $200 million expansion

N.J. healthcare facility wins first evidence-based design Touchstone Award

Madrid birthing center honored for design

Cotton Medical Center recognized as 'Best Renovated or Repurposed Healthcare Facility'

IIDA healthcare interior design competition winners announced

Micro-hospitals may be the healthcare facility of the future

$450 million replacement healthcare facility planned in Lansing

Urban medical center designed to be part of community

Atlanta children's health system planning $1.3B campus

Patient experience part of winning equation for 'Beautiful' hospitals

Healthcare facility design advancing safety standards

How healthcare facility design can improve patient well-being

Gov. says Buffalo children's hospital reflects new mentality

A collaborative approach can expedite the healthcare design and construction process

Hospitals to improve access for persons with disabilities

Today's medical office design emphasizes efficiency and aesthetics

Adapting to changes in healthcare design

Calif. hospital designed to reduce clinician stress

Building microhospitals offers challenges, opportunities

Miami simulation hospital designed for hands-on instruction

Doctors, nurses help design rooms for new SLU Hospital

New Baton Rouge children's hospital part of a growing trend

Combined outdoor space caters to patients of all ages

Creating timeless pediatric health environments

Staff opinions key to new SLU hospital design

For hospitals, being green is a necessity

Honored healthcare facility designed with future in mind

Wisconsin healthcare facility honored for monotony-fighting design

Healthcare facility honored for 'whimsical sophistication' in design

Improving emergency department efficiency

Georgia dementia care facility designed for emotion-based treatment

Lucile Packard Children's expansion will more than double the size of facility

ASID spotlights healthcare in industry briefs

Video walk-through offers peek at 'super hospital'

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia developing research campus

Partnering with students on a POE

Omaha outpatient center designed to untangle services maze

Microhospitals can offer emergency care access

Healthcare facility design impacting care

Spokane teaching healthcare facility supports new model of healthcare

Designing to 'right-size' patient rooms

Ways to improve access for disabled patients

New 150-acre medical campus planned in India

Chattanooga safety net facility transformed into region's first lifestyle hospital

Sustainability focus transforms healthcare facility operations

Hospitals building short-stay spaces within facilities

Cancer treatment center designed to improve outcomes through a multidisciplinary approach

Okla. medical clinic reflects Choctaw culture

Video offered on facility's role in recruiting physicians

Architect discusses healthcare design talent acquisition

Architect discusses efficient healthcare project delivery

Architect discusses healthcare client expectations

Thinking small: Designing microhospitals

Legionella risk management in cooling towers for protective care

Nurses can influence built healthcare environments

New VA hospital designed with input from staff, veterans

Next generation of healthcare designers will need deep expertise

What exactly is a micro-hospital?

Healthcare facility lobbies create first impression

UNC healthcare facility project designed to become regional referral center

Designing for an aging population

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital plans its biggest project

Micro hospitals trending in healthcare real estate

Healthcare projects demand design and practicality

Finding the right information

Centralized team areas need to be designed for efficiency and collaboration

Pediatric facility architect relies on family input

Michigan healthcare facility design aces test of time

Healthcare facilities make nature part of healing process

Healthcare built environments being created in convenient retail locations

Cancer center designed to improve patient experience

Chicago healthcare facility demolishing student housing for outpatient care facility

Full-scale patient room mock-ups help designer see flaws

Outpatient healthcare design looking to retail and hospitality

Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center designed for different mission

Healthcare designers take a holistic approach

Facility design can support autism treatment

Calif. rehab facility adds wellness center

British Columbia healthcare facility consolidates space

Decentralized nursing units may hurt collaboration

Designing healthcare facilities with security in mind

Pediatric behavioral health facilities balance dignity, safety

Healthcare design can transform care

Project Wellness blends fitness, medical care, wellness

Children’s Hospital New Orleans plans $225 million expansion

Free infographic on healthcare facility floor plans available

Designing for team-based healthcare

Texas system plans first microhospital

New designs released for £75m Manchester hospital

Addiction facility in Berkshires takes advantage of natural setting

Connecting design strategy to experience

Children's cancer center supports patients' needs with its physical environment

Supporting team-based healthcare through design

Designing healthcare facilities that benefit community life

Healthcare architect discusses designing beyond big data

Biophilic design supports behavioral health

Micro hospitals among 2016 healthcare trends

Trends in clinic design come with construction challenges

Healthcare staff lounge designed for relaxation

Michigan healthcare facility planning $45 million patient tower

Doctor's office of the future could shake up healthcare

Big data's role in healthcare design

Design strategies for the ICU

Automation trends for a more efficient pharmacy

Jordan Valley Cancer Center design allows for expansion

California healthcare facility designed for comfort

Hospital redesigned to ease patient fear

Arkansas clinic designed with staff, patient input

Link between healthcare design and HAIs examined

Waiting rooms front and center in design considerations

New Betty Ford Center focuses on privacy, convenience

Philippines hospital designed serve as model for rural healthcare

Leaving a legacy with healthcare design

Designing for an intergenerational healthcare workforce

UK HealthCare, Interiors Get to the Heart of Design

Ohio healthcare facility designed with help from patients and school children

Open team model clinic design studied

N.Y.'s Samaritan Medical Center cancer facility's design based on the word 'hope'

Waiting room design consideration

Sharp Chula Vista Breaks Ground on $244 Million Hospital Tower

Partnership seeks perfect nursing station design

VA renovates Massachusetts nursing care facility

New short-term rehab facility opens near Dayton

Transitioning from a centralized to a decentralized model

St. Elizabeth’s plans multimillion-dollar building in Indiana

Designing for caregivers

Trends in clinic design

Access to outdoors key in skilled nursing facilities

Designing for a population boom

Design of nurses' spaces critical to patient safety

Weighing in on FGI guidelines

New behavioral healthcare facility designed for teens

Washington healthcare organization builds $21 million emergency and specialty services building

Healthcare facility simulation center accommodates program growth

New Southern California facility key part healthcare village

Improving the patient experience through thoughtful design

Creating an environment of wellness and inclusion

New healthcare facility chapel designs expanding role of worship spaces

Troubled Aurora VA hospital on track to open in 2018

University wins grant to study how hospital room design impacts patient safety

Wisconsin cancer center focuses on comfort of patients, families and staff

McCarthy, Taylor Design and SmithGroupJJR Join to Establish the World-Class Don Knabe Wellness Center for Los Angeles County’s Rancho Los Amigos

'Placemaking' with healthcare design

New skilled nursing facilities have to be built for change

Brigham and Women’s Hospital opens new facility

Gulf Coast Medical Center to double in size

Best healthcare facility design comes from asking the right questions

California children’s healthcare facility includes motion and sports performance lab

DesignGroup, Ohio State Work Together to Design Innovative Sports Medicine Institute

Cincinnati cancer center relaxing by design

Inpatient unit design evolves

American College of Healthcare Architects elevates Gary Owens to Council of Fellows

Toronto healthcare facility redesigns suites for moms

Center for Health Research & Design working on three evidence-based design projects

Photo tour of Children’s Pavilion at Children’s Hospital of Richmond

Hospitals working to accommodate obese patients

Design flaws blamed for Royal Hospital for Sick Children delay

Designing flexible core labs in healthcare facilities

Ohio memory care facility designed to look like a 1940s small town

Same-day surgery center offers homey recovery space

Hospitals designed for faster healing

Healthcare facility designed with contemporary comforts

Healthcare architect gets new perspective when admitted to hospital he helped design

Creating mock-us can improve final design

Photo tour of New Delhi fertility clinic

Rehab facility renovated for patient comfort

California children's hospital planning family-friendly expansion

Design trends in sports medicine

Designing a catastrophe-resilient healthcare facility

N.J. healthcare facility opens state-of-the-art operating rooms

Illinois healthcare facility designed with patient satisfaction in mind

Sports medicine and academic medical centers stress collaboration

Privacy weak spots in healthcare facilities

Navigating a changing healthcare landscape

Looking at the future of healthcare design

Topeka healthcare facility plans resort-like amenities

A healthcare facility for young adults

Family-centered design focuses on family needs of pediatric patients

Modern eye hospital design optimizes historic structures

Adaptive architecture benefits academic medical facilities

Healthcare facility designs make a statement

Innovations in rural healthcare facilities explored

South Denver healthcare facility focuses on holistic care

Lux features cut from over-budget Denver VA hospital

California healthcare facilities can electronically submit architectural plans

Denver health system building microhospitals

Why aren’t healthcare waiting rooms more accommodating?

Prebys Cardiovascular Institute designed using a mock-up program

Research in the healthcare design process

Australian hospital designed as healing tree

Ontario clinic designed for flexible activity levels

Healthcare design innovation requires risk

Modular hospital project causes legal troubles

N.Y. health center technologically advanced, patient-friendly

Design's role in medical tourism

Campus plan builds foundation for friendship

Future of hospitals seen through frosted windows

Designing for patients' support systems

New facilities reflect healthcare's future

Designing a hybrid OR

Joplin rebuilds after the storm

Well-planned community engagement process can improve facilities

New N.Y. surgery center designed with flexibility

Non-clinical departments need not be in hospitals

Designing for the human experience

Keeping hospital physical plants relevant

Designing for Millennial caregivers

It's time to right-size healthcare projects

Ohio medical center a response to healthcare 'sea change'

Holistic, longitudinal design thinking optimizes healthcare construction value

Healthcare Design recognizes healthcare design professionals

Designing efficient critical access hospitals

Michigan health system considering cutting-edge short-stay hospital

Healthcare design must change with ACA reforms

Staff contributes to design of Saskatchewan health facility

Multidisciplinary student design teams to focus on healthcare

Pre-occupancy research can improve design

Georgia hospice blends palliative healthcare with nature

New hospital dining space honored for clean, sleek look

Indiana facility opens new surgery pavilion

Focusing on resilient design

Canadian addiction center reflects Catholic tradition

Indiana senior facility honored for design

Integrating NICUs into hospitals

$1.5 billion hospital complex built in San Francisco

Computer simulation modeling can match space to strategy in healthcare

Emergency Department design strategies

New Mexico hospital to remodel patient rooms

Design decisions paying off for Indianapolis hospital

UTSW's Clements Hospital honored as Dallas' Real Estate Project Of The Year

Louisiana facility ICU design honored

Designing safer restrooms

Ambulatory care design can improve sterile processing

Designing for the millennial patient

Is evidence-based design research too hypothesis driven?

New Fort Benning hospital doubles size of predecessor

Healthcare Design honors top projects of 2014

Children's hospital design relied on kids' input

Designing to support patient wellness

Patient Room 2020 looks at future of design

The healthcare workspace is evolving

UT Southwestern builds new hospital in Dallas

Tampa ER designed for comfort

Embarking on a Lean journey for your next major capital project

Healthcare's big-box future

Case study: maximizing surgery center flow

Nashville facility integrates behavioral, primary care

Georgia facility project based on evidence-based design

Take a photo tour of Canadian mental health facility

Chris O'Brien Lifehouse is Australia's first comprehensive cancer care facility

Blighted Los Angeles hospital rebuilt after challenging history

Oklahoma hospital begins to rebuild after tornado

Denver's Saint Joseph Hospital includes interventional platform floor

Successfully integrating BIM in hospital construction

Delaware's health facility built on military tank assembly site

Competition encourages design innovation for cancer patients

Healthcare community focuses on healthy lifestyle

On-site corporate clinics becoming more common

Making the most of a multi-tenant outpatient facility design

Less (space) can be more with emergency department efficiency

New $25 million rehab center planned for Grand Rapids

Facility design may attract, keep physicians

Case study: Long-term value for VA healthcare campus

Vermont facility designed for privacy

Behavioral health facility wins design award

Kaiser Permanente renovation celebrates Oakland location and relationship with city

Designing a better patient experience

Take a photo tour of new Oregon women's health center

Parkland offers lessons in practical design

Lego blocks used to help design Canadian healthcare center

Converting doubles to private rooms

Children's hospital to have Xbox Kinect-powered atrium

Resolute Health's Wellness Campus features green spaces, walking trails and gardens

Architect talks of 'restorative design'

New hospital in Ireland has intimate feel

Is design an answer for obesity?

Hospital room design boosts patient recovery times

Design Showcase honored projects have unique challenges

Innovations become the new design standard

Mini health clinics bring care to Myanmar

Australian cancer center lauded for daylighting

Bethesda hospital plans $230 million expansion

Urgent care centers provide easy access, cost control

Fire station to add health facility

Balancing present, future needs with design

Emergency department design can fight contagious disease

Healthcare design for Millennials

New helicopter pad on Scottish hospital causing concern

New Indiana hospital adopts patient-centered design

Sanford Fargo Medical Center to get new lobby, patient rooms

Omaha medical center sculpture recognizes leader

Creating healthcare workplace efficiencies

Health City Cayman Islands blends low costs, tropical setting

Why does design thinking matter?

Designing behavioral health outpatient facilities

Healthcare projects honored for design

Improving patient flow can significantly reduce costs

Designing for veterans

Challenges for healthcare designers

Designing for population health

Philadelphia children's hospital expanding ambulatory care network

Public awareness called key to healthy design

Hospital face scaled back future

Mayo Clinic renovation design a team effort

Cincinnati hospital's facade honors region's artistic history

In healthcare design, what is 'appropriate'?

Study says good physical work environment = effective nurses

Iowa hospital begins $138.5 million ER renovation, expansion

Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital designed with welcoming architecture

Mercy Health designed for future flexibility

Children's hospital sports playful design

Texas hospital designed for community wellness

U.S. and Chinese health design trends compared

Children's hospital lounge caters to families

Does evidence-based design translate?

Kaiser Permanente Oakland replacement hospital opens

Community buy-in matters for healthcare facilities

Teck Acute Care Centre design separates public, patient and staff flows with few crossovers

Study finds building design can influence patient behavior

Cost-effective building design tips

Facade design may help the healing process

Toronto Birth Centre offers non-hospital option

Facility professionals should be involved in hospital design

Chickasaw Nation clinic pays homage to culture

Massive Dallas hospital project promotes safety and sanitation

N.C.'s Hefner VA Medical Center opens acute psychiatric facility

Memorial Hermann The Woodlands adds joint replacement facility

Delaware children's hospital expansion designed with patient input

N.C. medical facility designed to enhance patience convenience

Integrating research into healthcare design

Design can make a difference in patient experience

Dayton hospital considers redesign to meet changing needs

System adopts consistant room standards for large projects

Medical tourism a growth opportunity

Futurist sees massive consolidation of hospitals

Nurturing a multigenerational healthcare staff

Take a photo tour of health simulation center

General boomer research can shape design

Designing for intimacy

Take a photo tour of Mount Carmel St. Ann's Hospital

Architecture of Fortius Sport & Health reflects spirit of athletic motion

Ignoring future threatens facility design success

Oklahoma hospital's addition will include 'hoteling stations'

Can a healthcare campus affect the wellness of its community?

Building a hospital based on patient safety

New Missouri $190M patient tower earns LEED gold

Healthcare providers preparing for climate change

Making the business case for hospital design

Changing healthcare landscape will change facilities

Connecticut hospital recognized for enduring design

Largest U.S. neuroscience facility built in Bethesda

$70.5 million children's health center planned in Toronto

Pocono facility stresses aesthetics, convenience

Charlotte behavioral-health hospital resembles a lodge

Project planning for collaboration / success

New Springfield surgery center designed for safety, satisfaction

Remembering the caregiver in cancer center design

Marlborough Hospital opens new cancer pavilion

New Cornell University health center design takes shape

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center honored for enduring quality of design

Healthcare designers can be advocates for seniors

Learning from Swedish healthcare design

Design can improve caregiver experience

Design strategist seeing overlap in hotel, spa and healthcare design

'Small Hospital, Big Idea' winner gives progress report

Facility design can impact the quality of women's healthcare

ASHE honors collaborative building projects

Affordable Care Act expected to change how hospitals are built, used

Partnering designers' best practices with clinical input

San Francisco hospital to get quake-resistant addition

Hospital, college partner to build nursing simulation center

Research-informed decision making key to client service today, new AAH president says

Researcher honored by Healthcare Design magazine

Healthcare Design magazine honors educator

Healthcare Design magazine honors Rising Star

Healthcare Design magazine honors Firm of the Year

Architect honored by Healthcare Design magazine

Architect discusses influencing the next generation of designers

Bangkok hospital focuses on attracting medical tourism business

Generative space concept creates 'flourishing' environments

NYSID exhibit explores design for cancer patients

When reality hits the perfect hybrid OR project

Simulated NICU shows impact of design on function

Patient of the future offers new vision of care

How a hospital room can help patients heal

Renovated Craig Hospital doubles size of outpatient clinic

Behavioral health facility designers short on research

Design focuses on range of pediatric patients

CEO explains Michigan hospital's luxe makeover

Kaleida Health recognized by interior design award

Designer's passion for kids' healthcare design started early

Indiana safety net hospital on track to become LEED Silver campus

California children's hospitals expanding new location

Designer says innovation in healthcare key to flourishing in future

Foreign hospital projects offer lessons to designers

Tennessee hospital to build addition on top of existing structure

Are patient rooms too big?

2014 trends in healthcare facilities

Architect shares five steps to successful budgetary discussions

What's the immediate future of healthcare design?

Hospitals looking at flexible spaces for new outpatient facilities

Take a photo tour of Temecula Valley Hospital

Cincinnati hospital combines beauty, functionality to enhance healing

Golisano Children's Hospital project designed to empower patient healing

San Antonio healthcare system plans major expansion of hospitals

Cincinnati orthopaedic hospital design stresses space, glass, light and connection to outdoors

Catholic University student honored for wellness center design

Hospital administrators rank top design issues

30 most impressively designed hospitals

Student design wins Healthcare Environment Award

Hospitality is not the future of healthcare design

Cornell class blends health policy and facility design

Camp Southern Ground for autistic children recognized for design

Dale and Frances Hughes Cancer Center recognized for design

Senior-friendly acute care environments becoming a priority

Innovation required for the short-term rehab boom

Boston hospital rehabs brownfield for new facility

Cincinnati architects design massive health care complex in China

Sheikh Khalifa to bring specialty care to United Arab Emirates

Designing with natural materials creates comforting environment

Collaboration, immersion solve complex challenges at rehabilitation hospital

Barlow Respiratory Hospital will balance past and future

The making of a healthcare design changemaker

What does the Affordable Care Act mean for the design industry?

New Brunswick hospital to get $200M renovation

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center's Advanced Health Science Pavilion designed as gateway

Discrete event simulation can enhance flow in healthcare design

Designer talks about effects of Affordable Care Act

Delaware medical center expansion recognized for design

Super storms put focus on building resilient hospitals

Toronto health care facility design lauded for use of sustainable wood

Chicago safety-net hospital designs for the future

Green healthcare design knowledge no longer an 'extra'

Beautiful hospital design more than just marketing ploy

Healthcare facility planning should reflect mission over time

New Vancouver hospital brings new design benchmarks to province

Hospital's child friendly designs are bright, cheerful distraction

Design team talk about Haiti hospital project challenges

Integrated project delivery of cancer center eliminated surprises but added time

Parkland Hospital in Dallas designed to eliminate security, safety problems

Blog asks: What makes a good waiting room?

Singapore health official says facilities have to be adaptable to meet changing needs

Rush University Medical Center among honorees for building design

Vertical campus promotes collaborative healthcare

Designing a hospital room based on patient needs.

Pediatric healthcare design specialist discusses lean design and process improvement

Cleveland Clinic designs facility to house an 80,000-pound magnet

Ambulatory surgery centers seen as future of healthcare

Brain-inspired design created to enhance patient experience

Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center reflects its namesake

New cancer center offers holistic approach to patient-centered care

Surrey Memorial Hospital's critical care tower 'not a typical' health care facility

United Health Services builds first off-campus outpatient facility

2013 Architectural and Interior Design Showcase projects highlighted

Is patient safety taking a backseat to 'fancy' design?

Architect shares views on what's key in healthcare design.

Children's inpatient units need to balance privacy, safety and community

Urban cancer centers given view of nature

Take a photo tour of Mercy Health - Rookwood Medical Center

Collaboration key to solving challenges of rehab hospital project

Honored hospice design focuses on resident-centered care

Are hospitals getting too posh?

Design shouldn't be all about the end result

India hospital planted in a garden setting

4 findings on healthcare facility design's effect on HAIs

Take a photo tour of LourdesCare facility in N.J.

Adult hospitals could take a lesson from children's facilities

Design of Alaskan clinic reflects culture of patients

Outpatient and research facility designed to encourage foot traffic

Healthcare building facades create a positive first impression

Singapore hospital designed with a 'Four Seasons' influence

Technology is layered in hybrid OR suite

Stricter hospital alarm rules will start in 2014

The operating room is redefined as new technologies emerge

Designing a hybrid OR in a limited space requires leap of faith

Design-build renovations can cut costs, problems in hospital projects

Take a photo tour of St. Vincent Hospital

New Oregon facility designed for rural needs

Bariatric design adjusts to larger patient needs

Hospital design can impact care as well as bottom line



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